王在照 | |||
性 别: | 男 | 职 称: | 教育,高等学校教师,教授 |
籍 贯: | 陕西省 西安市 | 现 居 地: | 山东省 临沂市 |
毕业院校: | 中国科学院 | 专 业: | 海洋生物学 |
出生年月: | 1969 | 工作单位: | 西北农林科技大学动物科技学院 |
邮 箱: | zzwang@nwsuaf.edu.cn | 联系电话: | |
学 历: | 博士 |
王在照,1969年出生,山东蒙阴人,西北农林科技大学动物科技学院教授,博士生导师。2000年获中国科学院海洋生物学专业博士学位,2000至2004年在中科院海洋研究所实验海洋生物学开放实验室工作,2004至2007年在美国佐治亚医学院生物技术与基因组医学中心进行博士后研究工作。2008年6月至今,在西北农林科技大学水产科学系从事教学与科研工作。 先后主持西北农林科技大学科研专项、陕西省自然科学基金、中央高校基本业务费、国家自然科学基金等项目,主讲本科课程《养殖水域生态学》,研究生课程《高级水生生物学专题》、《水域环境保护》、《养殖水环境监测与调控技术》。
先后主持西北农林科技大学科研专项、陕西省自然科学基金、中央高校基本业务费、国家自然科学基金等项目。近几年发表的论文(*为通讯作者): 1. zheng, y., wang, l., li, m., liang, h., qin, f., liu, s., wang, h., wu, t., zhang, y., wang, z.*, 2013. molecular characterization of five steroid receptors from pengze crucian carp and their expression profiles of juveniles in response to 17α-ethinylestradiol and 17α-methyltestosteronegen. comp. endocrinol. doi10.1016/j.ygcen.2013.06.011. 2. qin,f., wang,l.,wang,x.,liu,s.,xu,p., wang, h., wu,t., zhang,y.,zheng,y.,li, m., zhang,x., yuan, c., hu,g., wang,z.*, 2013. bisphenol a affects gene expression of gonadotropin-releasing hormones and type i gnrh receptors in brains of adult rare minnow gobiocypris rarus. comp. biochem. physiol. c 157, 192-202. 3. li, m., zheng, y., liang, h., zou, l., sun, j., zhang, y., qin, f., liu, s., wang, z.*, 2013. molecular cloning and characterization of cat, gpx1 and cu/zn-sod genes in pengze crucian carp (carassius auratus var. pengze) and antioxidant enzyme modulation induced by hexavalent chromium in juveniles. comp. biochem. physiol. c 157, 310-321. 4. li, m., wang, l., wang h., liang, h., zheng y., qin f., liu s., zhang y., wang z.*, 2013. molecular cloning and characterization of amh, dax1 and cyp19a1a genes and their response to 17α-methyltestosterone in pengze crucian carp.comp. biochem. physiol. c 157, 372-381 . 5. yuan, c., zhang, y., hu, g., li, m., zheng, y., gao, j., yang, y., zhou, y., wang, z.*, 2013. expression of two zona pellucida genes is regulated by 17α-ethinylestradiol in adult rare minnow gobiocypris rarus.comp. biochem. physiol. c 158, 1-9. 6. 章霞,张莹莹,李蒙,郑尧,王在照*, 2013. 大鳞副泥鳅gpr30基因的克隆及ee2暴露对其表达的影响.《西北农林科技大学学报》(自然科学版). 7. wang h., wu t., qin f., wang l., wang z.*,2012, molecular cloning of foxl2 gene and the effects of endocrine-disrupting chemicals on its mrna level in rare minnow, gobiocypris rarus. fish physiol. biochem. 38, 653-664. 8. wu t., wang h., qin f., liu s., li m., xu p., wang z.*,2012, expression of zona pellucida b proteins in juvenile rare minnow (gobiocypris rarus) exposed to 17α-ethinylestradiol, 4-nonylphenol and bisphenol a. comp. biochem. physiol. c 155, 259-268. 9. zhang. y., wang, h., qin f., liu, s., wu, t., li, m., xu, p., zhang, x., wang, x., hu, g., yuan, c., wang, z.*,2012. molecular characterization of estrogen receptor genes in loach paramisgurnus dabryanus and their expression upon 17α- ethinylestradiol exposure in juveniles. gen. comp. endocrinol. 178,194-205. 10. liu, s., qin, f., wang, h., wu, t., zhang, y., zheng, y., li, m., wang, z.*, 2012. effects of 17α-ethinylestradiol and bisphenol a on steroidogenic messenger ribonucleic acid levels in the rare minnow gonads.aquat. toxicol. 122/123, 19-27. 11. wang, h., wang, j., wu, t., qin, f., hu, x., wang, l., wang, z.*, 2011, molecular characterization of estrogen receptor genes in gobiocypris rarus and their expression upon endocrine disrupting chemicals exposure in juveniles. aquat. toxicol.101, 276-287. 12. 胡晓齐, 王晶晶,王厚鹏,吴婷婷,秦芳,任战军,王在照*, 2011. 稀有鮈鲫雄激素受体基因的克隆和内分泌干扰物对其表达的影响. 西北农业学报20, 8-14. 13. 王晶晶,刘小林,秦芳,王厚鹏,吴婷婷,胡晓齐,王在照*,2011.稀有鮈鲫芳香化酶基因的表达及内分泌干扰物(edcs)暴露对其表达的影响. 西北农业学报20, 35-39. 14. wang, j., liu, x., wang, h., wu, t., hu, x., qin, f., wang, z.*,2010,expression of two cytochrome p450 aromatase genes is regulated by endocrine disrupting chemicals in rare minnow gobiocypris rarus juveniles. comp. biochem. physiol. c 152, 313-320. 15. zhang, j., li, f., wang, z., xiang, j.*, 2007. cloning and recombinant expression of a crustin- like gene from chinese shrimp, fenneropenaeus chinensis. j. biotechnol. 127, 605-14. 16. liu, b., dong, b., xiang, j.*, wang, z., 2007. the phylogeny of native and exotic scallops cultured in china based on 16s rdna sequences. chinese j. oceanol. limnol. 25, 85-90. 17. ding, k.-h., wang, z.-z., hamrick m.w., deng z.-b., zhou, l., kang, b., yan s.-l., she j.-x., stern, d.m., isales, c.m., mi, q.-s.*, 2006. disordered osteoclast formation in rage-deficient mouse establishes an essential role for rage in diabetes related bone loss. biochem biophys res commun., 340,1091-1097. 18. zhang, j., li, f., wang, z., zhang, x., zhou, q., xiang, j.*, 2006. cloning, expression and identification of ferritin from chinese shrimp, fenneropenaeus chinensis. j. biotechnol. 2006,125: 173-184.
1.国家自然科学基金,中国对虾编码chh家族神经肽基因的分子克隆与表达,no. 40106018, 2002-2004, 主持人。 2.国家863计划,对虾生长与疾病控制相关基因的克隆和功能应用,no. 2001aa621120,2001-2005, 主要参加人。 3.国家863计划,中国对虾遗传改良技术,no. 2003aa603021, 2003.6-2005.10, 主要参加人。
1.wang jj, liu xl, wang hp wu tt, hu xq, qin f, wang zz. 2010. expression of two cytochrome p450 aromatase genes is regulated by endocrine disrupting chemicals in rare minnow gobiocypris rarus juveniles. comp. biochem. physiol. part c: toxicol. pharmacol. doi: 10.1016/j.cbpc. 2010.05.007. 2.ding kh, wang zz, hamrick mw, et al. disordered osteoclast formation in rage-deficient mouse establishes an essential role for rage in diabetes related bone loss. biochem biophys res commun. 2006, 340(4):1091-1097. 3.zhang jq, li fh, wang zz, et al. cloning, expression and identification of ferritin from chinese shrimp, fenneropenaeus chinensis. journal of biotechnology, 2006,125(2): 173-184. 4.zhang jq, li fh, wang zz, et al. cloning and recombinant expression of a crustin- like gene from chinese shrimp, fenneropenaeus chinensis. journal of biotechnology, 2007, 127(4):605-14. 5.mi qs, zhou l, grattan m, wang zz, sivilotti m, she jx, delovitch tl.characterizationof paf-ah ib1 in nod mice: paf-ah may not be a candidate gene of the diabetes susceptibility idd4.1 locus. ann n y acad sci. 2006,1079:147-152. 6.张继泉, 李富花, 王在照等. 中国明对虾蜕皮抑制激素在大肠杆菌中的表达与分离纯化. 高技术通讯, 2006, 16(3): 301-306. 7.jiao cz, wang zz, li fh, xiang jh. cloning, sequencing and expression analysis of cdna encoding a constitutive heat shock protein 70(hsc70) in fenneropenaeus chinensis. chinese science bulletin, 2004, 49(22): 2385-2393. 8.王在照,相建海. 中国对虾3种ii型chh家族神经肽基因克隆和分析. 遗传学报2003 30(10): 961-966. 9.王在照,焦传珍,张晓军等.中国明对虾蜕皮抑制激素cdna的分子克隆及序列分析遗传学报2003, 30 (2): 128-134. 10.王在照,崔朝霞,相建海. 中华绒螯蟹蜕皮抑制激素cdna的克隆及序列分析,海洋与湖沼2002, 33(4): 432-438. 11.wang zz, xiang jh. molecular cloning and sequencing of a cdna encoding partial molt-inhibiting hormone from penaeus chinensis. chinese journal oceanology and liminology 2002, 20(3):232-236. 12王在照, 相建海.编码鹰爪虾蜕皮抑制激素cdna的克隆及序列分析,水产学报2002, 26(6): 487-492. 13.song ls, liu bz, wang zz, et al. phylogenetic relationships among pufferfish of genus takifugu by rapd analysis. chinese journal of oceanology and limnology 2001,19 (2): 128-134. 14.王在照,相建海.甲壳动物高糖神经激素家族结构和功能,水产学报2001, 25 (2): 175-180. 15.liu bz, dong b, xiang jh,wang zz. the phylogeny of native and exotic scallops cultured in china based on 16s rdna sequences. chinese journal of oceanology and limnology 2007, 25(1): 85-90.