邓蕾 | |||
性 别: | 男 | 职 称: | 副研究员 |
籍 贯: | 现 居 地: | ||
毕业院校: | 西北农林科技大学 | 专 业: | 生态学 |
出生年月: | 1987-06-11 | 工作单位: | 西北农林科技大学水土保持研究所 |
邮 箱: | leideng@ms.iswc.ac.cn | 联系电话: | |
学 历: | 博士 |
教育(访问)经历: 2005.9-2009.7,西北农林科技大学林学专业,农学学士学位; 2009.9-2014.6,西北农林科技大学生态学专业,理学博士学位(保送硕博连读); 工作经历: 2014.7-2015.12,西北农林科技大学/中科院水利部水土保持研究所,助理研究员; 2016.01至今,西北农林科技大学/中科院水利部水土保持研究所,副研究员;
植被恢复/土地利用变化与土壤碳收支; 土壤水对植被恢复的响应; 土壤碳氮循环对模拟n沉降的响应机理; 土壤碳氮迁移、转化、过程及机理; 整合分析在生态学中的应用。
1. deng l, shangguan zp*. afforestation drives soil carbon and nitrogen changes in china. land degradation & development. doi: 10.1002/ldr.2537 2. deng l, wang gl, liu gb, shangguan zp*. effect of age and land-use changes on soil carbon and nitrogen sequestrations following cropland abandonment on the loess plateau, china. ecological engineering. 2016. 90: 105-112. 3. deng l, zhu gy, tang zs, shangguan zp*. global patterns of the effects of land-use changes on soil carbon stocks. global ecology and conservation. 2016.5:127-138. 4. deng l, yan wm, zhang rw, shangguan zp*. severe depletion of soil moisture following land-use changes for ecological restoration: evidence from the northern china. forest ecology and management. 2016. 366: 1-10. 5. deng l, wang kb*, tang zs, shangguan zp. soil carbon dynamics following a long-term natural vegetation restoration: evidence from stable carbon isotopes (δ13c). agriculture, ecosystems & environment. 2016. 221: 235-244. 6. wang kb, ren zp, deng l*, zhou zc, shangguan zp, shi wy, chen yp. profile distributions and controls of soil inorganic carbon along a 150-years natural vegetation restoration. soil science society of america journal. 2016. 80 (1): 193-202. 7. deng l, zhang zn, shangguan zp. long-term fencing effects on plant diversity and soil properties in china. soil & tillage research. 2014. 137: 7-15. 8. shao rx, deng l*, yang qh, shangguan zp. nitrogen fertilization increase soil carbon dioxide emission of winter wheat field in the arid and semi-arid region of china. soil & tillage research. 2014, 143: 164-171. 9. deng l, liu gb, shangguan zp. land use conversion and changing soil carbon stocks in china’s ‘grain-for-green’ program: a synthesis. global change biology. 2014, 20: 3544-3556. 10. deng l, shangguan zp, sweeney s. ‘‘grain for green’’ driven land use change and carbon sequestration on the loess plateau, china. scientific reports. 2014, 4: 7039. 11. deng l, shangguan zp, sweeney s. changes in soil carbon and nitrogen following land abandonment of farmland on the loess plateau, china. plos one, 2013, 8: e71923. 12. deng l, wang kb, chen ml, shangguan zp, sweeney s. soil organic carbon storage capacity positively related to forest succession on the loess plateau, china. catena, 2013, 110: 1-7. 13. deng l, shangguang zp, li r. effects of the grain-for-green programme on soil erosion in china. international journal of sediment research, 2012, 27: 120-127.