行业专家 -米乐体育官方

性      别: 职      称: 教育,高等学校教师,讲师
籍      贯: 陕西省 西安市 现 居 地: 江西省 南昌市
毕业院校: 山东大学 专      业:
出生年月: 1986-09 工作单位: 西安电子科技大学数学与统计学院
邮       箱: xzhang@xidian.edu.cn 联系电话:
学       历: 博士




1 图的染色及其应用 2 图的结构性质 3 图的圈因子分解



1. 陕西省自然科学基础研究计划面上基金项目(批准号:2017jm1010) 2. 中央高校基本科研业务费项目(批准号:jb170706), 3. 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金新教师类(批准号:20130203120021) 参与在研项目 1 山东省优秀中青年科学家科研奖励基金(批准号:bs2012sf016):图与网络的结构研究,3/5 已结题项目 1. 国家自然科学基金面上基金项目(批准号:10971121,执行期:2010.01.01-2012.12.31):图的(t,k,d)-树染色问题的研究 ,6/8 2. 陕西省自然科学基础研究计划青年人才基金项目(批准号:2013jq1002,执行期:2013.01.01-2014.12.31):几类拓扑图的结构性质与染色问题研究,1/3 3. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(批准号:11201440,执行期:2013.01.01-2015.12.31):图的染色问题及其在网络中的应用,2/7 4. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(批准号:11101243,执行期:2012.01.01-2014.12.31):图的子图和染色,3/5 5. 中央高校基本科研业务费项目(批准号:k5051370003,k5051370021),1/3 6. 中央高校基本科研业务费项目(批准号:jb150714),1/3 7. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(批准号:11301410,执行期:2014.01.01-2016.12.31):几类图的结构与染色问题研究,1/3 8. 国家自然科学基金面上基金项目(批准号:11271230,执行期:2013.01.01-2016.12.31):图的有限定条件的圈问题研究 ,7/8


59. xin zhang, jingfen lan, bi li, qiang zhu, light paths and edges in families of outer-1-planar graphs, information processing letters, 136 (2018) 83-89. 58. xin zhang, huijuan wang, lan xu, equitable coloring of three classes of 1-planar graphs, acta mathematicae applicatae sinica, english series, 34(2) (2018) 362–372. 57. weichan liu, chen gong, lifang wu, xin zhang*, a note on the vertex arboricity of signed graphs, utilitas mathematica, 106 (2018) 251-258. (sci检索号:000426620100019) 56. 张欣 等,1-平面图及其子类的染色,运筹学学报,21(4) (2017) 135-152. 55. yong yu, xin zhang*, guanghui wang, guizhen liu, jinbo li, (2,1)-total labelling of planar graphs with large maximum degree, journal of discrete mathematical sciences & cryptography, 20(8) (2017) 1625-1636. (ei) 54. xin zhang, total coloring of outer-1-planar graphs with near-independent crossings, journal of combinatorial optimization, 34(3) (2017) 661-675. (sci检索号:000411586300001) 53. dai-qiang hu, jian-liang wu, donglei yang, xin zhang, on the equitable edge-coloring of 1-planar graphs and planar graphs, graphs and combinatorics, 33 (2017) 945–953. (sci检索号:000404229200024) 52. jiaqiang ma, renfeng zhou, xue deng, chenggang wang, xin zhang*, on r-equitable colorings of bipartite graphs, utilitas mathematica, 103 (2017) 161-165. (sci检索号::000401308200012) 51.xin zhang, list vertex arboricity of graphs without forbidden minors, ars combinatoria, 133 (2017) 349-353. (sci检索号:000404082800025) 50. huijuan wang, bin liu, yan gu, xin zhang, weili wu, hongwei gao, total coloring of planar graphs without adjacent short cycles, journal of combinatorial optimization, 33(1) (2017) 265-274. (sci检索号:000392817300018) 49. huijuan wang, bin liu, xin zhang, lidong wu, weili wu, hongwei gao, list edge and list total coloring of planar graphs with maximum degree 8, journal of combinatorial optimization, 32(1) (2016) 188-197. (sci检索号:000379033200012) 48. xin zhang,on equitable colorings of sparse graphs, bulletin of the malaysian mathematical sciences society, 39(1) (2016) 257-268. (sci检索号:000377531700019) 47. xin zhang, equitable list point arboricity of graphs, filomat, 30(2) (2016) 373-378. (sci检索号:000376573900013) 46. huijuan wang, lidong wu, xin zhang, weili wu, bin liu, a note on the minimum number of choosability of planar graphs, journal of combinatorial optimization, 31(3) (2016) 1013-1022. (sci检索号:000372282300005) 45. xin zhang, equitable vertex arboricity of subcubic graphs, discrete mathematics, 339 (2016) 1724-1726. (sci检索号:000374354400012) 44. xin zhang, the edge chromatic number of outer-1-planar graphs, discrete mathematics, 339 (2016) 1393-1399. (sci检索号:000369467500025) 43. xin zhang, jianfeng hou, guizhen liu, on total coloring of 1-planar graphs, journal of combinatorial optimization, 30(1) (2015) 160-173. (sci检索号:000355630900013) 42. guanghui wang, guiying yan, jiguo yu, xin zhang, the r-acyclic chromatic number of planar graphs, journal of combinatorial optimization, 29(4) (2015) 713-722. (sci检索号:000352114300003) 41. jingjing tian, xin zhang*, light triangles in plane graphs with near-independent crossings, utilitas mathematica, 97 (2015), 399-405. (sci检索号:000355784000030) 40. zhidan yan, wei wang, xin zhang*, equitable colorings of cartesian products with balanced complete multipartite graphs, discrete applied mathematics,180 (2015) 200-203. (sci检索号:000346545500023) 39. xin zhang, equitable vertex arboricity of planar graphs, taiwanese journal of mathematics, 19(1) (2015) 123-131. (sci检索号:000348590700008) 38. wei wang, zhidan yan, xin zhang*, on r-equitable chromatic threshold of kronecker products of complete graphs, discrete applied mathematics, 175 (2014) 129-134. (sci检索号:000339698800017 ) 37. xin zhang, drawing complete multipartite graphs on the plane with restrictions on crossings, acta mathematica sinica, english series, 30(12) (2014) 2045-2053. (sci检索号:000344832600004) 36. xin zhang, light 3-cycles in 1-planar graphs with degree restrictions, bulletin of the korean mathematical society, 51(2) (2014) 511-517. (sci检索号:000334569900016) 35. xin zhang, a note one the weight of triangle in 1-planar graphs with minimum degree 6, utilitas mathematica, 93 (2014) 129-134. (sci检索号:000332188500010) 34. xin zhang, jian-liang wu, a conjecture on equitable vertex arboricity of graphs, filomat 28(1) (2014) 217-219. (sci检索号:000331996600022) 33. jingjing tian, xin zhang*, pseudo-outerplanar graphs and chromatic conjectures, ars combinatoria, 114 (2014) 353-361. (sci检索号:000333065300035) 32. xin zhang, guizhen liu, on the lightness of chordal 4-cycle in 1-planar graphs with high minimum degree, ars mathematica contemporanea 7(2) (2014) 233-243. (sci检索号:000346150500003) 31. jian-liang wu, xin zhang, hailun li, equitable vertex arboricity of graphs, discrete mathematics, 313 (2013) 2696-2701. (sci检索号:000326133900004) 30. xin zhang, list total coloring of pseudo-outerplanar graphs, discrete mathematics 313 (2013) 2297-2306. (sci检索号:000323867400030) 29. xin zhang, guizhen liu, group edge choosability of planar graphs without adjacent short cycles, acta mathematica sinica, english series 29(11) (2013) 2079-2086. (sci检索号:000325418300005) 28. renyu xu, jian-liang wu, guanghui wang, xin zhang, on the sum of powers of the degrees of graphs, bulletin of the australian mathematical society 88(3) (2013) 353-358. (sci检索号:000328203100001) 27. xin zhang, guizhen liu, the structure of plane graphs with independent crossings and its appications to coloring problems, central european journal of mathematics 11(2) (2013) 308-321. (sci检索号:000311495900009) 26. xin zhang, guizhen liu, on edge colorings of 1-toroidal graphs, acta mathematica sinica, english series 29(7) (2013) 1421-1428. (sci检索号:000320661200014) 25. xin zhang, guizhen liu, jian-liang wu, k-forested choosability of graphs with bounded maximum average degree, bulletin of the iranian mathematical society38(1) (2012) 193-201. (sci检索号:000312720300014) 24. aijun dong, xin zhang, guojun li, equitable coloring and equitable choosability of planar graphs without 5- and 7-cycles, bulletin of the malaysian mathematical sciences society 35(4) (2012) 897-910. (sci检索号:000308779700007) 23. xin zhang, guizhen liu, yong yu, on (p,1)-total labelling of plane graphs with independent crossings, filomat 26(6) (2012) 1091-1100. (sci检索号:000322026300002) 22. xin zhang, jian-liang wu, guizhen liu, list edge and list total coloring of 1-planar graphs, frontiers of mathematics in china 7(5) (2012) 1005-1018. (sci检索号:000308355600014) 21. xin zhang, guizhen liu, on edge colorings of 1-planar graphs without adjacent triangles, information processing letters 112 (2012) 138-142. (sci检索号:000300482800007) 20. xin zhang, guizhen liu, jian-liang wu, k-forested choosability of planar graphs and of sparse graphs, discrete mathematics 312 (2012) 999-1005. (sci检索号:000300758300019) 19. xin zhang, guizhen liu, jian-liang wu, light subgraphs in the family of 1-planar graphs with high minimum degree, acta mathematica sinica, english series, 28(6) (2012) 1155-1168. (sci检索号:000304093000005) 18. aijun dong, xiang tan, xin zhang, guojun li, equitable coloring and equitable choosability of planar graphs without 6- and 7-cycles, ars combinatoria 103 (2012) 333-352. (sci检索号:000298767700028) 17. xin zhang, guizhen liu, on edge colorings of 1-planar graphs without chordal 5-cycles, ars combinatoria 104 (2012) 431-436. (sci检索号:000302035100036) 16. xin zhang, guanghui wang, yong yu, jinbo li, guizhen liu, on r-acyclic edge colorings of planar graphs, discrete applied mathematics 160 (2012) 2048-2053. (sci检索号:000306298600016) 15. xin zhang, guizhen liu, jian-liang wu, (1, λ)-em[ant]bedded graphs and the acyclic edge choosability, bulletin of the korean mathematical society 49(3)(2012) 573-580. (sci检索号:000304975900009) 14. xin zhang, guizhen liu, jian-liang wu, edge covering pseudo-outerplanar graphs with forests, discrete mathematics 312 (2012) 2788-2799. (sci检索号:000307620500005) 13. xin zhang, jian-liang wu, on edge colorings of 1-planar graphs, information processing letters 111 (2011) 124-128. (sci检索号:000286557600006) 12. xin zhang, jian-liang wu, on equitable and equitable list colorings of series-parallel graphs, discrete mathematics 311 (2011) 800–803. (sci检索号:000290008300003) 11. hao fan, h. a. kierstead, guizhen liu, theodore molla, jian-liang wu, xin zhang*, a note on relaxed equitable coloring of graphs, information processing letters111 (2011) 1062-1066. (sci检索号:000296990400007) 10. xin zhang, yong yu, guizhen liu, on (p,1)-total labelling of 1-planar graphs, central european journal of mathematics 9(6) (2011) 1424-1434. (sci检索号:000297868700020) 9. xin zhang, jian-liang wu, guizhen liu, new upper bounds for the heights of some light subgraphs in 1-planar graphs with high minimum degree, discrete mathematics and theoretical computer science 13(3) (2011) 9-16. (sci检索号:000297927800002) 8. xin zhang, guizhen liu, jian-liang wu, on the linear arboricity of 1-planar graphs, or transactions 15(3) (2011) 38-44. 7. yong yu, xin zhang, guizhen liu. list (d,1)-total labelling of graphs em[ant]bedded in surfaces, or transactions 15(3) (2011) 29-37. 6. xin zhang, jian-liang wu, jin yan, degree conditions for the partition of a graph into triangles and quadrilaterals, utilitas mathmatica 86 (2011) 341-346. (sci检索号:000296405900030) 5. 张欣, 徐兰, 刘桂真,稀疏图的k-森林染色, 山东大学学报(理学版), 46(4) (2011) 1-3. 4. 张欣, 刘桂真, 吴建良, 不含3-圈的1-平面图的边染色, 山东大学学报(理学版), 45(6) (2010) 15-17. 3. 张欣, 刘桂真, 吴建良, 1-平面图的结构性质及其在无圈边染色上的应用, 中国科学:数学, 40 (2010) 1025-1032. 2. xin zhang, guizhen liu, jian-liang wu, k-forested coloring of planar graphs with large girth, proc. japan acad. ser. a math. sci. 86 (2010) 169-173. (sci检索号:000288776800002) 1. xin zhang, na li, jian-liang wu, jin yan, vertex-disjoint triangles in k1,t-free graphs with minimum degree at least t, discrete mathematics 310 (2010) 2499-2503. (sci检索号:000280945000005)

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