行业专家 -米乐体育官方

性      别: 职      称: 副教授
籍      贯: 现 居 地:
毕业院校: 浙江大学 专      业:
出生年月: 1984-07-25 工作单位: 西北农林科技大学农学院
邮       箱: cmx786@nwafu.edu.cn 联系电话:
学       历: 博士


陈明训,男,1984年7月生,博士,副教授,博士生导师。2004年9月至2008年7月在西北农林科技大学农学院学习,获农学学士学位;2008年9月至2013年7月在浙江大学农业与生物技术学院作物所攻读博士学位,获农学博士学位。2012年5月至2014年9月在新加坡国立大学(national university of singapore)生物系开展合作研究和博士后研究工作。2014年9月入职西北农林科技大学农学院。先后入选中国科协“青年人才托举工程计划”、陕西省科技新星、西北农林科技大学“青年学术骨干人才支持计划”和“优青培养计划”。中国作物学会和美国植物学会会员。担任多个sci和西北农林科技大学学报(自然科学版)审稿人。


作物营养品质代谢调控 作物优质抗逆分子育种


科技奖励:   (1)项目“十字花科油籽脂肪酸及营养品质形成的分子机制”荣获教育部2015年度高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(科学技术),自然科学类二等奖(本人排名第二,共9人)。   (2)项目“透明种皮家族基因对于油籽脂肪酸积累的负向调控机制的发现”荣获浙江省2017年度自然科学奖二等奖(本人排名第二,共5人)。


先后以主要参加人参与了国家自然科学基金、重大转基因专项、863、973、马来西亚sime darby公司横向课题等研究工作。   正在主持的研究课题有:   (1) 国家自然基金青年项目,31501336,油菜bntt8和bnttg1转录因子在种子油脂积累中的功能解析,主持;   (2) 中国科协青年人才托举工程,2016qnrc001,油菜种子脂肪酸积累的调控机理研究,主持;   (3) 校引进人才科研启动费,z111021402,油菜与拟南芥种子油脂积累的机制研究,主持;   (4) 校优青培育科研专项,z109021517,油菜种子油脂积累的调控网络,主持。


代表论文 (selected publications):   (1) dong li, changyu jin, shaowei duan, yana zhu, shuanghui qi, kaige liu, chenhao gao, haoli ma, meng zhang, yuncheng liao, mingxun chen*(通讯作者). myb89 transcription factor represses seed oil accumulation. plant physiology, 2017, 173(2):1211-1225. (if=8.03)   (2) changyu jin, dong li, chenhao gao, kaige liu, shuanghui qi, shaowei duan, zixiong li, jingyun gong, jianjun wang, jiangbo hai, mingxun chen*(通讯作者). conserved function of acyl-acyl carrier protein desaturase 5 on seed oil and oleic acid biosynthesis between arabidopsis thaliana and brassica napus. frontiers in plant science, 2017, doi: 10.3389/fpls.2017.01319 (if=4.298)   (3) shaowei duan, changyu jin, dong li, chenhao gao, shuanghui qi, kaige liu, jiangbo hai, haoli ma, mingxun chen*(通讯作者). myb76 inhibits seed fatty acid accumulation in arabidopsis. frontiers in plant science, 2017, 8:226. (if=4.298)   (4) kaige liu, shuanghui qi, dong li, changyu jin, chenhao gao, shaowei duan, baili feng, mingxun chen*(通讯作者). transparent testa glabra 1 ubiquitously regulates plant growth and development from arabidopsis to foxtail millet (setaria italica). plant science, 2017, 254:60-69. (if=3.362)   (5) shuanghui qi, kaige liu, chenhao gao, dong li, changyu jin, shaowei duan, haoli ma, jiangbo hai, mingxun chen*(通讯作者). the effect of bntt8 on accumulation of seed storage reserves and tolerance to abiotic stresses during arabidopsis seedling establishment. plant growth regulation, 2017, 82(2): 271-280. (if=2.333)   (6) chenhao gao, dong li, changyu jin, shaowei duan, shuanghui qi, kaige liu, hanchen wang, haoli ma, jiangbo hai, mingxun chen*(通讯作者). genome-wide identification of glabra3 downstream genes for anthocyanin biosynthesis and trichome formation in arabidopsis. biochemical and biophysical research communications, 2017, 485(2):360-365. (if=2.371)   (7) chenhao gao, shuanghui qi, kaige liu, dong li, changyu jin, shaowei duan, meng zhang, mingxun chen*(通讯作者). functional characterization of brassica napus dna topoisomerase iα-1 and its effect on flowering time when expressed in arabidopsis thaliana. biochemical and biophysical research communications, 2017, 486(1):124-129. (if=2.371)   (8)chenhao gao, shuanghui qi, kaige liu, dong li, changyu jin, zhuowei li, gengqing huang, jiangbo hai, meng zhang, mingxun chen*(通讯作者). myc2, myc3, and myc4 function redundantly in seed storage protein accumulation in arabidopsis. plant physiology and biochemistry, 2016, 108: 63-70. (if=2.928)   (9) gao chenhao, guo yuan, wang jianjun, li dong, liu kaige, qi shuanghui, jin changyu, duan shaowei, gong jingyun, li zixiong, chen mingxun*(通讯作者). brassica napus glabra3-1 promotes anthocyanin biosynthesis and trichome formation in true leaves when expressed in arabidopsis thaliana. plant biology, 2017 (doi: 10.1111/plb.12633) (if=2.106)   (10) chen mingxun, zhang bin, li chengxiang, harikrishna kulaveerasingam, fook tim chew, yu hao. transparent testa glabra 1 regulates the accumulation of seed storage reserves in arabidopsis. plant physiology, 2015, 169(1): 391-402. (if=8.03)   (11) chen mingxun, xuan lijie, wang zhong, zhou longhua, li zhilan, du xue, essa ali, zhang guoping, jiang lixi. transparent testa 8 inhibits seed fatty acid accumulation by targeting several seed development regulators in arabidopsis. plant physiology, 2014, 165(2): 905-916. (if=8.03)   (12) wang zhong, chen mingxun (共同第一作者), chen tianlong, xuan lijie, li zhilan, du xue, zhou longhua, zhang guoping, jiang lixi. transparent test a2 regulates embryonic fatty acid biosynthesis by targeting fusca3 during the early developmental stage of arabidopsis seeds. plant journal, 2014, 77: 757-769. (if=6.815)   (13) chen mingxun, antony maodzeka, zhou longhua, essa ali, wang zhong, jiang lixi. removal of della repression promotes leaf senescence in arabidopsis. plant science, 2014, 219-220: 26-34. (if=3.362)   (14) chen mingxun, wang zhong, zhu yana, li zhilan, hussain nazim, xuan lijie, guo wanli, zhang guoping, jiang lixi. the effect of transparent testa2 on seed fatty acid biosynthesis and tolerance to environmental stresses during young seedling establishment in arabidopsis. plant physiology, 2012, 160: 1023-1036. (if=8.03)   (15) chen mingxun, du xue, zhu yang, wang zhong, hua shuijin, li zhilan, guo wanli, zhang guoping, peng jinrong, jiang lixi. seed fatty acid reducer acts downstream of gibberellin signalling pathway to lower seed fatty acid storage in arabidopsis. plant cell and environment, 2012, 35: 2155-2169. (if=6.96)   (16) haksong pak, yuan guo, mingxun chen, kunming chen, yuanlong li, shuijin hua, imran shamsi, huabing meng, congguang shi, lixi jiang (2009 the effect of exogenous methyl jasmonate on the flowering time, floral organ morphology, and transcript levels of a group of genes implicated in the development of oilseed rape flowers (brassica napus l.) planta, 2009, 231: 79-91. (if=3.376)   (17) hua shuijin, shamsi imran, pak haksong, chen mingxun, guo yuan, jiang lixi. sequence and expression divergence among the homologous genes in brassica napus that are orthologous to the arabidopsis alcatraz. planta, 2009, 230: 493-503. (if=3.376)   (18) hussain nazim, jabeen zein, li yuanlong, chen mingxun, shamsi imran, jiang lixi. detection of tocopherol in oilseed rape (brassica napus l.) using gas chromatography with flame ionization detector. journal of integrative agriculture, 2013, 12: 101-108. (if=0.625)   (19) zhu yana, cao zhenying, xu fei, huang yi, chen mingxun, guo wanli, zhou weijun, zhu jun, meng jinling, zou jitao, jiang lixi. analysis of gene expression profiles of two near-isogenic lines differing at a qtl region affecting oil content at high temperatures during seed maturation in oilseed rape (brassica napus l.). theoretical and applied genetics, 2012, 124: 515-53. (if=3.507)   (20) lijie xuan, nazim hussain, zhong wang, yuxiao jiang, mingxun chen, lixi jiang. comparison of vitality between seedlings germinated from blackcoated and yellow-coated seeds of a turnip rape (brassica rapa l.) subjected to nacl and cdcl2 stresses. plant growth regulation, 2015, 76:61-70. (if=2.333)   (21) 刘凯歌, 齐双慧,段绍伟,李东, 金倡宇,高晨浩, 刘绚霞, 陈明训*(通讯作者)。甘蓝型油菜 bnttg1-1 基因在拟南芥中的功能分析。植物学报,2017(已接受).   (22) 陈明训,王中,蒋立希。甘蓝型油菜γ-tmt基因的克隆及其植物表达载体的构建。生物技术通报,2009, 10:102-104,108.   (223) 石从广,孟华兵,姜宇晓,朱亚娜,陈明训 ,郭万里,蒋立希。甘蓝型油菜ems诱变二代农艺与品质性状的变异与tilling分析库的构建。核农学报,2010, 24(6):1132 -1140.

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