张松斌 | |||
性 别: | 男 | 职 称: | 教授 |
籍 贯: | 现 居 地: | ||
毕业院校: | 专 业: | ||
出生年月: | 1984-07-11 | 工作单位: | 陕西师范大学物理学与信息技术学院 |
邮 箱: | song-bin.zhang@snnu.edu.cn | 联系电话: | |
学 历: | 博士 |
讲授课程: 《基础物理4/原子物理学》(17春):15物创 《大学物理实验》 (16秋):15材化生 《高等量子力学》 (18春):15物 《高等原子分子物理学》 (16&17秋):16&17研 教育及科研工作经历: 2016.06-现在 陕西师范大学,国家‘青年千人计划’特聘教授 2015.11-现在 陕西师范大学,物理学院,研究员 2012.07-2015.11 (德国,汉堡)马普所&自由电子激光科学中心,博士后 2011.06-2012.07 (美国,大学城)德州农工大学 化学系,博士后 2007.09-2011.06 中国科学技术大学 近代物理系,博士(导师:陈向军教授) 2008.10-2011.06 北京应用物理与计算数学研究所 博士联培(导师:王建国研究员) 2003.09-2007.06 四川大学 物理学 本科 2000.09-2003.06 大冶五中 高中
传统原子分子物理 超快强激光场物理 包括:原子分子结构计算,电子光子重离子与原子分子的碰撞散射,激光取向分子,高次谐波,非线性光电子谱和俄歇电子谱,量子调控超快波包动力学演化等。
1:理论研究x射线自由电子激光作用下常见大气分子的非线性共振俄歇电子谱, 自然科学基金青年项目(no.11604197,主持,2017-现在) 2:中组部青年千人计划(主持,2016-现在) 3:陕西师范大学 科研启动经费(主持,2015-现在) 4:陕西师范大学理论物理学术交流和人才培养平台建设项目, 自然科学基金应急管理项目(no.11647317,参与,2017) 5:分子构象异构现象及相关分子内相互作用的电子动量谱学研究, 自然科学基金面上项目(no.20973160,参与,2009)
conference presentations: 2018.02 resonance studies using the contour deformation method in momentum space, 原子分子参数及相关科学问题前沿论坛, 北京 (invited) 2017.10 复动量表象方法研究共振态结构,第四届原子分子精密谱研讨会,西安 (invited) 2017.08 共振态线型的形成及其调控,第十九届全国原子与分子物理学术会议,长春 (invited) 2017.07 nonlinear resonant auger spectra and transient x-ray absorption spectra in co using an x-ray pump-control scheme,the 30th international conference on photonic, electronic and atomic collisions (icpeac xxx), cairns, australia (contributed) 2017.05 共振态线型的形成及其调控,第二届原子分子光物理研讨会,北京 (invited) 2016.11 debye等离子体环境下的原子结构及其动力学,第八届全国计算物理会议,西安 (invited) 2016.10 电子光子与原子分子体系的相互作用,第六届全国原子分子光物理青年科学家论坛,合肥 (contributed) 2016.08 含时量子波包动力学方法研究重离子碰撞,第六届全国计算原子与分子物理学术会议,新乡 (contributed) 2015.04 study of molecular electronic and rotational coherences by high-harmonic generation: theory,center for free-electron laser science (cfel) theory seminar,hamburg, germany (invited) publications (since 2016): 10: electron-spectral-line profiles of resonances by attosecond xuv or x-ray pulses song bin zhang*, xiao tao xie and jian guo wang physical review a 96, 053420 (2017) 9: electron-atom and electron-molecule resonances:some theoretical approaches using complex scaled multiconfigurational methods kousik samanta, tsednee tsogbayar, song bin zhang and danny l. yeager* advances in quantuam chemistry (2017, in press) 8: theoretical study of (e,2e) processes for valance orbitals of ch4 using a multicenter distorted-wave method maomao gong*, xingyu li, song bin zhang, ling liu, yong wu, jian guo wang, yizhi qu and xiangjun chen* physical revivew a 96, 042703 (2017) 7: low-energy electron elastic scattering and impact ionization with hydrogenlike helium in debye plasmas jun li, song bin zhang*, bang jiao ye*, jian guo wang, and r. k. janev physical review a 96, 032707 (2017) 6: time-dependent quantum wave packet dynamics to study charge transfer in heavy particle collisions song bin zhang*, yong wu*, jian guo wang the journal of chemical physics 145, 224306 (2016) 5: nonlinear resonant auger spectroscopy in co using an x-ray pump-control scheme song bin zhang*, victor kimberg, nina rohringer* physical review a 94, 063413 (2016) 4: low energy electron-impact ionization of hydrogen atom for coplanar equal-energy-sharing kinematics in debye plasmas jun li, song bin zhang*, bang jiao ye*, jian guo wang, rk janev physics of plasmas 23, 123511 (2016) 3: review of quantum collision dynamics in debye plasmas (invited review) rk janev, song bin zhang*, jian guo wang matter and radiation at extremes 1, 237 (2016) 2: k-shell photoionization of li, be and b2 jun li, jian dang liu, song bin zhang*, bang jiao ye* modern physics letters b 30, 1650204 (2016) 1: complex multireference configuration interaction calculations for the k-vacancy auger states of nq (q= 2-5) ions yg peng, y wu*, lf zhu*, sb zhang, jg wang, hp liebermann, and r. j. buenker the journal of chemical physics 144, 054306 (2016) selected publications (before 2016): 12: quantum-beat auger spectroscopy song bin zhang, nina rohringer phys. rev. a 92 043420 (2015) 11: theoretical study of molecular electronic and rotational coherences by high-order-harmonic generation song bin zhang, denitsa baykusheva, peter m. kraus, hans jakob worner.and nina rohringer phys. rev. a 91 023421 (2015) 10: multicenter distorted-wave method for fast-electron-impact single ionization of molecules song bin zhang, xing yu li, jian guo wang, yi zhi qu and xiang jun chen phys. rev. a 89 052711 (2014) 9:photoemission spectroscopy with high-intensity short-wavelength lasers song bin zhang and nina rohringer phys. rev. a 89 013407 (2014) 8:high-harmonic probing of electronic coherence in dynamically aligned molecules p. m. kraus, s. b. zhang, a. gijsbertsen, r. r. lucchese, n. rohringer and h. j. worner phys. rev. lett 111 243005 (2013) 7: inner shells do not cause grave difficulties in the resonance study with the direct complex-coordinate method song bin zhang and danny l. yeager phys. rev. a 85 054502 (2012) 6: complex scaled multi-reference configuration interaction method to study be and be-like cations (b, c, n, o, mg) auger resonances 1s2s22p 1,3po song bin zhang and danny l. yeager. phys. rev. a 85 032515 (2012) 5: electron–hydrogen atom-impact 1s->2s and 1s->2p excitation with screened coulomb interaction between the n=2 and n=3 excitation thresholds song bin zhang, jian guo wang, r.k janev and xiang jun chen phys. rev. a 83 032724 (2011) 4: electron collisions with the bh2 radical using the r-matrix method song bin zhang, jian guo wang, r.k janev and xiang jun chen phys. rev. a 82 062711 (2010) 3: photodetachment of hydrogen negative ions with screened coulomb interaction song bin zhang, jian guo wang, r.k janev, yi zhi qu and xiang jun chen phys. rev. a 81 065402 (2010) 2: electron–hydrogen atom elastic and inelastic scattering with screened coulomb interaction around the n=2 excitation threshold song bin zhang, jian guo wang and r.k janev phys. rev. a 81 032707 (2010) 1: crossover of feshbach resonances to shape-type resonances in electron hydrogen atom excitation with screened coulomb interaction song bin zhang, jian guo wang and r.k janev phys. rev. lett 104 023203 (2010)