行业专家 -米乐体育官方

性      别: 职      称: 教授
籍      贯: 现 居 地:
毕业院校: 陕西师范大学 专      业:
出生年月: 1985-06-11 工作单位: 陕西师范大学物理学与信息技术学院
邮       箱: zlzhang@snnu.edu.cn 联系电话:
学       历: 博士


工作教育经历(work and education): 2016.09 - 至今 教授 (professor) 陕西师范大学 物理学与信息技术学院 2014.07 - 2016.09 洪堡学者 (av-h fellow) leibniz institute of photonic technology, jena, germany 2013.09 - 2014.06 博士后 (postdoc) leibniz institute of photonic technology, jena, germany 2010.12 - 2013.09 联培博士 (ph.d.) 中国科学院 物理研究所 2007.09 - 2013.06 硕博连读 (ph.d.) 陕西师范大学 物理学与信息技术学院 2003.09 - 2007.07 本科 (b.s.) 山西师范大学 物理与信息工程学院 学术兼职(academic position): 担任全国光散射专业委员会委员 担任陕西省纳米科技学会理事 曾任留德华人化学化工学会(cgca),常务副理事长 担任《光散射学报》编委 light: sci. & appl.;sci. rep.; nanolett.;acs nano;nanoscale;chem. comm.等期刊审稿人


针尖增强拉曼光谱学 (tip-enhanced raman scattering, ters) 纳米光子学 (nanophotonics)


已发表学术论文60余篇,其中第一或通讯作者论文30篇 论文已被science、nature nanotechnology、nature communication、jacs等杂志引用1200余次 h因子22,三篇论文入选esi高被引论文


国家自然科学基金青年项目 陕西师范大学科研启动经费 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金团队项目


部分代表作(selected publications): 1. w. gao, j. dong, z. wang, z. zhang, h. zheng, multicolor upconversion emission of lanthanide-doped single liyf4 and liluf4 microcrystal, mater. res. bull., 2017, 91, 77–84. 2. q. han, c. zhang, c. wang, z. wang, c. li, w. gao, j. dong, e. he, z. zhang, h. zheng, unique adjustable uc luminescence pattern and directional radiation of peculiar-shaped nayf4: yb3 /er3 microcrystal particle, sci. rep., 2017, 7, 5371. 3. q. ding, m. chen, y. fang, z. zhang, m. sun, plasmon-driven diazo coupling reactions of p?nitroaniline via -nh2 or -no2 in atmosphere environment, j. phys. chem. c, 2017, 121, 5225-5231. 4. z. zhang, m. lacroix, v. deckert, plasmon induced polymerization using a ters approach: a platform for nanostructured 2d/1d material production, faraday discuss., 2017, 205, 213. 5. z. zhang, s. x. sheng, r. m. wang, m. sun, tip-enhanced raman spectroscopy, anal. chem., 2016, 88, 9328-9346. (封面) 6. z. zhang, d. kinzel, v. deckert, photo-induced or plasmon-induced reaction: investigation of the light-induced azo-coupling of amino groups, j. phys. chem. c, 2016, 120, 20978-20983 7. z. zhang, y. wu, j. dong, w. gao, q. han, h. zheng, controlled plasmon enhanced fluorescence by silver nanoparticles deposited onto nanotube arrays, j. phys. condens. matter, 2016, 28, 364004. 8. z. zhang, p. xu, x. yang, w. liang, m. sun, surface plasmon-driven photocatalysis in ambient, aqueous and high-vacuum monitored by sers and ters, j. photochem. photobiol. c, 2016, 236. 9. z. zhang, et.al, propagating surface plasmon polaritons towards applications for remote excitation surface catalytic reactions, adv. sci. 2016, 3, 1500215. (esi高引) 10. z. zhang, t. deckert-gaudig, v. deckert, label-free monitoring of plasmonic catalysis on the nanoscale, analyst, 2015, 140, 4325-4335. 11. v. deckert, t. deckert-gaudig, m. diegel, i., g?tz, l. langelüddecke, h. schneidewind, g., sharma, p. singh, p. singh, s. trautmann, m. zeisberger, and z. zhang, spatial resolution in raman spectroscopy, faraday discuss., 2015, 177, 9-20. 12. 郑海荣,董军,何恩节,张正龙,纳米结构对稀土离子及分子类发光中心荧光性质的调控,科学通报, 2015, 60: 899-911. 13. z. zhang, t. deckert-gaudig, p. singh, v. deckert, single molecule level plasmonic catalysis - a dilution study of p-nitrothiophenol on gold dimers, chem. comm., 2015, 51, 3069-3072. 14. y. fang,^ z. zhang,^ l. chen, m. sun, near field plasmonic gradient effects on high vacuum tip-enhanced raman spectroscopy, phys. chem. chem. phys., 2014, 17, 2, 783-794. 15. y. huang, y. fang, z. zhang, l. zhu, m. sun, nanowire-supported plasmonic waveguide for remote excitation of surface-enhanced raman scattering, light: sci. & appl., 2014, 3, e199. (esi高引) 16. m. sun, z. zhang, l. chen, q. li, s. sheng, h. xu, plasmon-driven selective reductions revealed by tip-enhanced raman spectroscopy, adv. mater. interfaces, 2014, 1, 5. 17. z. zhang, m. sun, s. sheng, h. zheng, h. xu, molecular resonant dissociation of surface-adsorbed molecules by plasmonic nanoscissors, nanoscale, 2014, 6 (9), 4903 – 4908. 18. m. sun, z. zhang, l. chen, s. sheng, h. xu, plasmonic gradient effects on high vacuum tip-enhanced raman spectroscopy, adv. opt. mater., 2014, 2, 74-80. 19. z. zhang, l. chen, s. sheng, m. sun, h. zheng, k. chen, h. xu, high-vacuum tip enhanced raman spectroscopy, front. phys., 2014, 8(1): 17-24. (封面) 20. m. sun, z. zhang, z. kim, h. zheng and h. xu, plasmonic scissors for molecular design, chem. eur. j., 2013, 19, 14958-14962. 21. m. sun^, z. zhang,^ p. wang, q. li, f. ma, h. xu, remotely excited raman optical activity using chiral plasmon propagation in ag nanowires, light: sci. & appl., 2013, 2, e112. 22. z. zhang, m. sun, p. ruan, h. zheng, h. xu, electric field gradient quadrupole raman modes observed in plasmon-driven catalytic reactions revealed by hv-ters, nanoscale, 2013, 5(10):4151-4155. 23. z. zhang, l. chen, p. ruan, m. sun, h. zheng, h. xu, the insights into the nature of plasmon-driven catalytic reactions revealed by hv-ters, nanoscale, 2013, 5 (8): 3249 – 3252. 24. z. zhang, p. yang, h. xu and h. zheng, surface enhanced fluorescence and raman scattering by gold nanoparticle dimers and trimers, j. appl. phys., 2013, 113(4) 083304. 25. z. zhang, x., h. zheng, and h. xu, m. sun, tip-enhanced ultrasensitive stokes and anti-stokes raman spectroscopy in high vacuum, plasmonics, 2013, 8(2):523-527. 26. m. sun, z. zhang, h. zheng, and h. xu, in-situ plasmon-driven chemical reactions revealed by high vacuum tip-enhanced raman spectroscopy, sci. rep., 2012, 2 (647). (esi高引) 27. j. dong, h. zheng, x. yan, y. sun, and z. zhang, fabrication of flower-like silver nanostructure on the al substrate for surface enhanced fluorescence, appl. phy. lett., 2012, 100(5) 051112. 28. z. zhang, h. zheng, j. dong, x. yan, y. sun and h. xu, surface enhanced fluorescence by porous alumina with nanohole arrays, sci china-phys mech astron, 2012, 55(5): 767-771. 29. z. zhang, h. zheng, m. liu, h. zhang, b. yin, and h. zhang, surface enhanced fluorescence of rh6g with gold nanohole arrays, j. nanosci. nanotechnol. 2011, 11(11): 9803-9807.

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