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籍      贯: 现 居 地:
毕业院校: 专      业:
出生年月: 1973-07-11 工作单位: 陕西师范大学物理学与信息技术学院
邮       箱: 联系电话:
学       历: 博士


教育及科研工作经历: 2016.3-现在 陕西师范大学,物理学院,研究员 2013.1-2016.3 中国科学院西安光学精密机械研究所,研究员 2011.12-2013.8 香港理工大学,博士后 2009.11-2011.7 台湾中央研究院,博士后 2008.11-2009.11 新加坡南洋理工大学,博士后 2006.2-2008.11 中科院半导体所,助理研究员 2004.2-2006.2 天津大学,博士后 2000.9-2004.2 中科院半导体所,博士 1997.9-2000.7 山东师范大学,硕士 1993.9-1997.7 新疆大学,学士


1. 半导体饱和吸收镜,宽带材料吸收体(碳纳米管, 二维材料,黑磷等) 2. 超快激光器:固体超快激光器 光纤超快激光器 3. 激光应用及材料制备技能训练 4. 光学镜片镀膜技术


到目前为止,与合作者一起在本领域发表sci收录论文190多篇,影响因子大于3的30多篇。是optics express、optical engineering、中国激光、光学学报等10多个期刊的审稿人,中国光学学会高级会员。现与中科院半导体所、中科院物理所、西安光机所、西北大学、西安电子科技大学、西安邮电大学、山东大学等多家研究机构和大学有密切的合作关系。


1.中央高校特别资助项目; 2.陕西省科技厅面上项目; 3.陕西师范大学科研启动经费; 4.国家自然科学基金面上项目; 5.中国科学院西安光学精密机械研究所知识创新工程领域前沿项目。


20. lei hou, hongyu guo, yonggang wang*, jiang sun, qimeng lin, yang bai, and jintao bai, “sub-200 femtosecond dispersion-managed soliton ytterbium-doped fiber laser based on carbon nanotubes saturable absorber”, optics express, 2018, 26(7), 9063-9070. 19. lei hou, qimeng lin, yonggang wang,* zhendong chen, jiang sun,haowei chen,baole lu and jintao bai,* femtosecond ytterbium-doped fiber laser mode-locked by carboxyl-functionalized graphene oxide absorber, applied physics express, 11,012702,2018. 18. xi wang, yonggang wang,* dong mao, lu li, and zhengdong chen, passively q-switched nd:yvo4 laser based on fe3o4 nanoparticles saturable absorber, optics material express, 2017, 7(8), 2913-2921. 17. huan liu, zhe sun, xi wang,yonggang wang, guanghua cheng, “several nanosecond nd:yvo4 lasers q-switched by two dimensional materials: tungsten disulfide, molybdenum disulfide and black phosphorous”, optics express. 2017, 25(6), 6244-6252. 16. lu li, yulong su, yonggang wang,* xi wang, yishan wang, xiaohui li, dong mao, and jinhai si,“femtosecond passively er-doped mode-locked fiber laser with ws2 solution saturable absorber”, ieee journal of selected topics in quantum electronics, 2017, 23(1), 1100306 . 15. lu li, shouzhen jiang, yonggang wang,* zhen li, baoyuan man, hang sun, lina duan, xi wang, dong mao, and jinhai si, “ws2/fluorine mica (fm) saturable absorbers for all-normal-dispersion mode-locked fiber laser”, o optics express. 2015, 23(22), 28698-28706. 14. kan wu, xiaohui li, yonggang wang, qi jie wang, perry ping shum, and jianping chen, “towards low timing phase noise operation in the fiber lasers mode locked by graphene oxide and carbon nanotubes at 1.5 μm”, optics express. 2015, 23(1), 501-511. 13. l.n. duan, y.g. wang*, c. w. xu, l. li, and y.s. wang, “passively harmonic mode-locked fiber laser with high signal-noise-ratio via evanescent-light deposition of bismuth telluride (bi2te3) topological insulator based saturable absorber”, ieee photonics journal. 2015, 7(2), 1500807. 12. shisheng huang, yonggang wang, peiguang yan, junqing zhao, huiquan li, and rongyong lin, “tunable and switchable multi-wavelength dissipative soliton generation in a graphene oxide mode- locked yb-doped fiber laser,” opt. express, 2014, 22, 11417-11426. 11. zhenhua yu, yonggangwang, zhiyuan dou, jinrong tian and yanrong song, “mode locked fiber laser based on single-walled carbon nanotube in heavy water”, ieee photonics technology letters. 2014,99,1135-1041. 10. yonggang wang, yishan wang, xiaojun zhang, and qiao wen, “passively q-switched nd:yag laser with single-walled carbon nanotube in heavy water”, optics communications, 2014,321(15),172-175. 9. yonggang wang, houren chen, wenfeng hsieh, and yuen h. tsang, “mode-locked nd: gdvo4 laser with graphene oxide/polyvinyl alcohol composite material absorber as well as an output coupler”, optics communications, 2013, 289, 119-122. 8. c. t. yuan, y. g. wang, k. y. huang, t. y. chen, p. yu, and jau tang, amit sitt, oded millo, and uri banin, “single-particle studies of band alignment effects on electron transfer dynamics from semiconductor hetero-nanostructures to single-walled carbon nanotubes”, acs nano, 2012, 6, 176. 7. yonggang wang, zunshi qu, jie liu, and yuen h. tsang, “graphene oxide absorbers for watt-level high power passive mode-locked nd: gdvo4 laser operating at 1 μm”, ieee journal of lightwave technology. 2012, 30(20), 3259-3262. 6. yong gang wang, hou ren chen, xiao ming wen, wen feng hsieh and jau tang, “high efficient sandwich-structured wall paper graphene oxide absorber for q-switched nd: gdvo4 laser”, nanotechnology, 2011, 22, 455203. 5. hou ren chen, yong gang wang, chih ya tsai, kuei huei lin, teng yao chang, jau tang and wen feng hsieh, “high-power passively mode-locked nd:gdvo4 laser using single-walled carbon nanotubes as saturable absorber”, optics letters. 2011,36,1284. 4. yong-gang wang , ji-ying peng, hui- ming tan , long-sheng qian , xiao-yu ma, “high repetiton rate q- switched nd:yvo4, laser with composite semiconductor absorber”, applied optics, 2006, 45(25), 6616-6619 . 3. ya-xian fan, jing-liang he, yong-gang wang, sheng liu, hui-tian wang, n. b. ming, xiao-yu ma, “2-ps passively mode-locked nd:yvo4 laser using a novel output-coupling-type semiconductor saturable absorber mirror”, appl.phys.lett. 2005,86,101103. 2. j. du and x.y. liang, y.g. wang, w.w. feng e.w. dai l.h. lin z.z. xu, l.b su and jun xu, “1ps passively mode-locked laser operation of na,yb:caf2 crystal”, optics express, 2005, 20(13), 7970-7975. 1. yong-gang wang, xiao-yu ma,ya-xian fan, hui-tian wang, “passively mode-locked nd: gd0.5y0.5vo4 laser with an in0.25ga0.75as absorber grown at low temperature”, applied optics, 2005, 44(20), 4384-4387.

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