张晓科 | |||
性 别: | 男 | 职 称: | 教育,高等学校教师,教授 |
籍 贯: | 陕西西安 | 现 居 地: | 陕西省 宝鸡市 |
毕业院校: | 西北农林科技大学 | 专 业: | 作物遗传育种 |
出生年月: | 1965年12月 | 工作单位: | 西北农林科技大学 |
邮 箱: | zhangxk@tom.com | 联系电话: | |
学 历: | 博士 |
近年来,在crop science、plant breeding、euphytica、crop and pasture science和field crop science等国际性学术期刊发表sci论文8篇;在国内《作物学报》、《中国农业科学》、《农业生物技术学报》等核心期刊发表论文50余篇。编写并出版中英文学术专著各1部。作为主要参加者选育并审定小麦品种6个。2008年获国家科技进步一等奖1项,2004年获陕西省科技进步三等奖1项,2005年获洛阳市科技进步一等奖1项。 在教学方面,积极开展主讲课程的教材建设和教学改革。主编本科教材3本,参编面向二十一世纪和“十一五”规划课程教材1本,构建课程网络教学平台1个。主持教改项目1项,参加3项。公开发表教改论文5篇。2008年获全国高等农业院校优秀教材奖1项,2005年获全国高职高专校长联系会议办公室教学成果二等奖1项,2003年获陕西省优秀教学成果二等奖1项,1997年获西北农业大学优秀教学成果二等奖1项;2010年获陕西省精品课程1门,2007年获西北农林科技大学精品课程1门。 目前已培养硕士研究生12名。
[1]x k zhang, y g xiao, y zhang, x c xia, and z h he. allelic variation at the vernalization genes vrn-a1, vrn-b1, vrn-d1, and vrn-b3inchinese wheat cultivars and their association with growth habit. crop science,2008,48:458-470. [2]x k zhang, l liu, z h he, d j sun, x y he, z h xu, p p zhang, f chen, and x c xia. development of two multiplex pcr assays targeting improvement of bread-making and noodle qualities in common wheat, plant breeding,2008,127:109-115. [3]x k zhang, s j yang, y zhou, z h he, and x c xia. distribution of the rht-b1b, rht-d1b and rht8 reduced height genes in autumn-sown chinese wheats detected by molecular markers. euphytica,2006,152:109-116. [4]f p yang, x k zhang*, x c xia, d a laurie, w x yang, and z h he. distribution of the photoperiod insensitive ppd-d1a allele in chinese wheat cultivars. euphytica,2009, 165:445-452 (*并列第一作者). [5]z h he, and x k zhang. chapter 10: genetic improvement of wheat yield potential and adaptation in china. in: s davies and g evans (eds),soybean and wheat crops: growth, fertilization, and yield. nova science publishers inc., ny, usa, 2009, pp:185-201. [6]y zhou, z h he, x x sui, x c xia, x k zhang, and g s zhang. genetic improvement of grain yield and associated traits in the northern china winter wheat regions from 1960 to 2000. crop science, 2007, 47: 245-253. [7]y zhou, h z zhu, s b cai, z h he, x k zhang, x c xia, and g s zhang. genetic improvement of grain yield and associated traints in the southern china winter wheat region: 1949 to 2000. euphytica,2007, 157:465-473. [8]f p yang, l h wang, j w wang, x y he, x k zhang, x k shang, w x yang, x c xia, and z h he. characterization of high- and low-molecular-weight glutenin subunit genes in chinese winter wheat cultivars and advanced lines using allele-specific markers and sds-page. crop & pasture science, 2010, 61:84-91. [9]m wu, j p zhang, j c wang, x m yang, a n gao, x k zhang, w h liu, l h li. cloning and characterization of repetitive sequences and development of scar markers specific for the p genome of agropyron cristatum. euphytica, 2010, 172: 363-372.