行业专家 -米乐体育官方

性      别: 职      称: 教授
籍      贯: 现 居 地:
毕业院校: 中国科学院 专      业:
出生年月: 1979-06-12 工作单位: 陕西师范大学化学与化工学院
邮       箱: zhaiqg@snnu.edu.cn 联系电话: 02981530767
学       历: 博士


教育和工作经历 2015/01-至今, 陕西师范大学,化学化工学院,博士生导师,教授; 2014/05-2016/05, 美国加州大学河滨分校,博士后; 2011/04-2012/04, 美国加州大学河滨分校,访问学者; 2010/01-2014/12, 陕西师范大学,化学化工学院,硕士生导师,副教授; 2007/07-2009/12, 陕西师范大学,化学与材料科学学院,讲师; 2004/09-2007/05, 中国科学院,福建物质结构研究所,博士; 1997/09-2004/07, 陕西师范大学,化学教育,学士; 分析化学,硕士。


1. 气体吸附与分离材料 基于配位化学和晶体工程原理,设计、合成和功能化修饰新型多孔金属-有机框架材料,研究其在气体吸附分离与储存领域中的应用。 2. 储能与新型电池材料 基于新型多孔配位晶态材料及其衍生的多孔碳、多孔氧化物及其复合物材料,研究其作为超级电容器、锂离子电池、锂-硫电池、燃料电池等绿色储能和电池技术的电极材料。 3. 光电传感与催化材料 基于配位晶态材料及其衍生的多孔碳、多孔氧化物及其复合物材料的多孔性和导电性能,研究其作为新型光电传感材料,质子传导材料和高效化学催化、光催化和电催化材料的开发与利用。


系统发展了多孔配位框架材料的孔道分区策略,开发了具备空前结构组成和性能可调控性的多孔材料平台;提出了混金属协同结晶策略,促进了含高价金属多孔材料的结晶,极大调控了mofs材料的气体捕集分离性能;利用金属有机多面体外表面作为质子载体,发展了新型高性能质子导电材料研究的新思路,获得了具备极高质子导电性能的新材料;基于离子液体绿色溶剂,开创了溶剂诱导合成新型非中心对称晶态材料的新方法,开辟了多元卤氰合亚铜和混金属铅卤化物晶态材料制备的新途径;通过阴离子系统调控了多氮唑的配位化学,将多金属氧酸盐和三氮唑的配位化学创造性地结合,发展了多酸基无机-有机主客体化学等。 获2018年度陕西省“杰出青年科学基金”,入选2012年度教育部“新世纪优秀人才”支持计划,2014年度陕西省“青年科技新星”和陕西师范大学化学化工学院“腾飞计划学者”。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目2项,国家自然科学基金青年项目1项,陕西省自然科学基金青年项目1项,中央高校基金创新团队项目1项等。以第一或通讯作者在国际顶级期刊发表研究论文60余篇,包括nat. commun. 1篇, j. am. chem. soc. 1篇,angew. chem. int. ed. 1篇,acc. chem. res. 1篇,chem. commun. 3篇,chem. mater. 1篇,chem. eur. j. 1篇,inorg. chem. 5篇等;论文累计被引用超过3000次,h-指数为27。申请中国发明专利8项,获授权4项。获陕西省科学技术奖三等奖1项,陕西省高等学校科学技术奖一等奖2项。


[1] 陕西省杰出青年科学基金,2018/01-2020/12, 功能配位晶态材料的可控制备与性能调控,主持; [2] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,21671126,镁基多孔配位框架材料的设计合成及其在co2捕集和转化中的应用, 2017/01-2020/12, 主持; [3] "腾飞计划学者",陕西师范大学化学化工学院,2017/07-2020/07,主持; [4] 中央高校基金-创新团队项目,gk201701003,2017/01-2019/12,主持; [5] 教育部新世纪优秀才支持计划,ncet-12-0897,2013/01-2015/12,主持; [6] 陕西省青年科技新星,2014kjxx-50,2014/01-2016/12,主持; [7] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,21271123,基于咪唑类离子液体构筑非中心对称功能化合物及其光电性能研究, 2013/01-2016/12,主持; [8] 国家自然科学基金青年项目,20801033,离子热合成气体吸附和阳离子交换双功能多孔配位聚合物研究, 2009/01-2011/12,主持; [9] 陕西省自然科学基金青年项目,2010jq2010,多孔配位聚合物晶态材料的离子热合成、结构及气体吸附 和离子交换性能研究,2010/01-2011/12,主持; [10] 福建省纳米材料重点实验室开放基金,nm10-08,配位聚合物型纳米材料的离子热合成, 2010/01-2012/12,主持; [11] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,20871035,重稀碱金属(铷、铯)盐-混合溶剂体系相化学及热力学性质研究, 2009/01-2011/12,第二人; [12] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,20876094,基于定位突变分子设计的氯过氧化物酶手性催化活性研究, 2009/01-2011/12,第三人。


2018 [1] jian-wei zhang, man-cheng hu, shu-ni li, yu-cheng jiang, peng qu, quan-guo zhai*, assembly of [cu2(coo)4] and [m3(μ3-o)(coo)6] (m = sc, fe, ga, and in) building blocks into porous frameworks towards ultra-high c2h2/co2 and c2h2/ch4 separation performance, chemical communications, 2018, 54,2012-2015. [2] wen-juan ji, rui-qing hao, wei-wei pei, lin feng, quan-guo zhai*, design of two isoreticular cd-biphenyltetracarboxylate frameworks for dye adsorption, separation and photocatalytic degradation, dalton transactions, 2018, 47, 700–707. [3] hai-peng li, shu-ni li, hua-ming sun, man-cheng hu, yu-cheng jiang, quan-guo zhai*, tuning the co2 and c1/c2 hydrocarbon capture and separation performance for a zn-f-triazolate framework through functional amine groups, crystal growth & design, 2018, doi: 10.1021/acs.cgd.8b00389. [4] xiang-yang hou, xiao-li yan, xiao wang*, quan-guo zhai*, tuning the porosity of mesoporous nio through calcining isostructural ni-mofs toward supercapacitor applications, journal of solid state chemistry, 2018, accepted. [5] haipeng li, shu'ni li,* xiangyang hou, yucheng jiang, mancheng hu, quan-guo zhai*, enhanced gas separation performance of an ultramicroporous pillared-layer framework induced by hanging bare lewis basic pyridine groups, dalton transactions, 2018, accepted. 2017 [1] quan-guo zhai, xianhui bu, xiang zhao, dong-sheng li, pingyun feng, pore space partition in metal-organic frameworks, accounts of chemical research, 2017, 50, 407-417. [2] yong-peng li, xing-xia wang, shu-ni li, hua-ming sun*, yu-cheng jiang, man-cheng hu, quan-guo zhai*, the power of heterometallation through lithium for helix chain-based noncentrosymmetric mofs with tunable shg effects, crystal growth & design, 2017, 17, 5634-5639. [3] mengfan xia, caixia zhuo, xuejuan ma, xiaohong zhang, huaming sun, quan-guo zhai*, yaodong zhang*, assembly of the active center of organophosphorus hydrolase in metal–organic frameworks via rational combination of functional ligands, chemical communications, 2017, 53, 11302-11305. [4] xitong chen, xianhui bu, qipu lin, chengyu mao, quan-guo zhai, yuan wang, pingyun feng, selective ion exchange and photocatalysis by zeolite-like semiconducting chalcogenide, chemistry - a european journal, 2017, 49, 11913–11919. [5] xiang-yang hou, xiao wang, shu-ni li, yu-cheng jiang, man-cheng hu, quan-guo zhai*, gas uptake and supercapacitor performance of a highly connected porous co-metal−organic framework induced by ligand bulk, crystal growth & design, 2017, 17, 3229-3235. [6] ya-li zhang, rui ding, shu-ni li, yu-cheng jiang, man-cheng hu, quan-guo zhai*, ionothermal design of crystalline halogeno(cyano)cuprate family: structure diversity, solid-state luminescence, and photocatalytic performance, inorganic chemistry, 2017, 56, 7161-7174. [7] ying-ying xue, li-xia zhang, shu-ni li, yu-cheng jiang, man-cheng hu, quan-guo zhai*, ionothermal synthesis of novel pb–oh–cu–x (x = cl, br and i) quaternary heterometallic frameworks with tunable optical properties, dalton transactions, 2017, 46, 5183-5188. [8] jian-wei zhang, man-cheng hu,* shu-ni li, yu-cheng jiang, quan-guo zhai*, ligand torsion triggered two robust fe-tetratopic carboxylate frameworks with enhanced gas uptake and separation performance, chemistry - a european journal, 2017, 23, 6693–6700. [9] xiao-ying bai, wen-juan ji, shu-ni li, yu-cheng jiang, man-cheng hu, quan-guo zhai*, nonlinear optical rod indium-imidazoledicarboxylate framework as room-temperature gas sensor for butanol isomers, crystal growth & design, 2017, 17, 423−427. [10] ying-ying xue, jin-lian wang, shu-ni li, yu-cheng jiang, man-cheng hu*, quan-guo zhai*, mesoporous ag/in2o3 composite derived from indium organic framework as high performance formaldehyde sensor, journal of solid state chemistry, 2017, 247, 170–175. [11] jian-wei zhang, man-cheng hu*, shu-ni li, yu-cheng jiang, quan-guo zhai*, microporous rod metal-organic frameworks with diverse zn/cd-triazolate ribbons as secondary building units for co2 uptake and selective adsorption of hydrocarbons, dalton transactions, 2017, 46, 836–844. [12] kun wang, shuni li, yucheng jiang, mancheng hu, quan-guo zhai*, a pillar-layered metal-organic framework as luminescent sensor for selective and reversible response of chloroform, journal of solid state chemistry, 2017, 247, 39–42. [13] yuan wang, xitong chen, qipu lin, aiguo kong, quan-guo zhai, shilei xie, pingyun feng, nanoporous carbon derived from a functionalized metal–organic framework as a highly efficient oxygen reduction electrocatalyst, nanoscale, 2017, 9, 862-868. 2016 [1] quan-guo zhai, xianhui bu, chengyu mao, xiang zhao, luke daemen, yongqiang cheng, anibal j. ramirez-cuesta, pingyun feng, an ultra-tunable platform for molecular engineering of high-performance crystalline porous materials, nature communications, 2016, 7: 13645 | doi: 10.1038/ncomms13645. [2] quan-guo zhai, xianhui bu; chengyu mao, xiang zhao, pingyun feng, systematic and dramatic tuning on gas sorption performance in heterometallic metal-organic frameworks, journal of the american chemical society, 2016, 138, 2524-2527. [3] jian-wei zhang, man-cheng hu*, shu-ni li, yu-cheng jiang, and quan-guo zhai*, design of highly connected cd-tetrazolate-dicarboxylate frameworks with enhanced co2/ch4 and c2 hydrocarbons/ch4 separation performance, crystal growth & design, 2016, 16, 6430-6435. [4] xiang zhao, xianhui bu, edward t. nguyen, quan-guo zhai, chengyu mao, pingyun feng, multivariable modular design of pore space partition, journal of the american chemical society, 2016, 138, 15102-15105. [5] quan-guo zhai, xianhui bu, xiang zhao, chengyu mao, fei bu, xitong chen, pingyun feng, advancing magnesium-organic porous materials through new magnesium cluster chemistry, crystal growth & design, 2016, 16, 1261-1267. [6] xitong chen, xianhui bu, qipu lin, quan-guo zhai, xiang zhao, yuan wang, pingyun feng, organization of lithium cubane clusters into three-dimensional porous frameworks by self-penetration and self-polymerization, crystal growth & design, 2016, 16, 6531−6536. [7] xiang zhao, chengyu mao, karen tu luong, qipu lin, quan-guo zhai, pingyun feng, xianhui bu, framework cationization by preemptive coordination of open metal sites for anion-exchange encapsulation of nucleotides and coenzymes, angewandte chemie international edition, 2016, 55, 2768-2772. [8] jin-lian wang, quan-guo zhai*, shu-ni li, yu-cheng jiang, man-cheng hu, mesoporous in2o3 materials prepared by solid-state thermolysis of indium-organic frameworks and their high hcho-sensing performance, inorganic chemistry communications, 2016, 63, 48-52. [9] li-xia zhang, quan-guo zhai*, shu-ni li, yu-cheng jiang, man-cheng hu, [agpb2i3(oh)2]: an unprecedented quaternary heterometallic semiconducting framework synthesized under ionothermal condition, inorganic chemistry communications, 2016, 67, 6-9. [10] xiao wang, xiang-yang hou*, quan-guo zhai*, man-cheng hu, two novel cps with double helical chains based rigid tripodal ligands: syntheses, crystal structures, magnetic susceptibility and fluorescence properties, journal of molecular structure, 2016, 1123, 394-399. 2015 [1] quan-guo zhai, chengyu mao, xiang zhao, qipu lin, fei bu, xitong chen, xianhui bu, pingyun feng, cooperative crystallization of heterometallic indium–chromium metal–organic polyhedra and their fast proton conductivity, angewandte chemie international edition, 2015, 54, 7886-7890. [2] xiang zhao, xianhui bu, quan-guo zhai, huy tran, pingyun feng, pore space partition by symmetry-matching regulated ligand insertion and dramatic tuning on carbon dioxide uptake, journal of the american chemical society, 2015, 137, 1396-1399. [3] quan-guo zhai, ni bai, shuni li, xianhui bu, pingyun feng, design of pore size and functionality in pillar-layered zn-triazolate-dicarboxylate frameworks and their high co2/ch4 and c2 hydrocarbons/ch4 selectivity, inorganic chemistry, 2015, 54, 9862-9868. [4] fei bu, qipu lin, quan-guo zhai, xianhui bu, pingyun feng, charge-tunable indium–organic frameworks built from cationic, anionic, and neutral building blocks, dalton transactions, 2015, 44,16671-16674. [5] shuang-qiu chen, quan-guo zhai*, shu-ni li, yu-cheng jiang, man-cheng hu*, channel partition into nanoscale polyhedral cages of a triple-self-interpenetrated metal–organic framework with high co2 uptake, inorganic chemistry, 2015, 54, 10-12. [6] xing-xia wang, quan-guo zhai*, shu-ni li, yu-cheng jiang, man-cheng hu, porous cd-carboxylate frameworks tuned by the bulk of linker: interpenetrated nets, selective co2 uptakes and high water vapor adsorption, inorganic chemistry communications, 2015, 61, 200-203. [7] xiao-li yan, shu-ni li*, yu-cheng jiang, man-cheng hu, quan-guo zhai*, synthesis, crystal structures and gas adsorption of two porous pillar-layered mofs decorated with different functional groups, inorganic chemistry communications, 2015, 62, 107-110. [8] ni bai, shu'ni li*, yucheng jiang, mancheng hu, quan-guo zhai*, pillar-layered zn–triazolate–carboxylate frameworks tuned by the bend angles of ditopic ligands, inorganic chemistry communications, 2015, 53, 84-87. 2014 [1] a. c. l. jones, h. j. goldman, quan-guo zhai, p. feng, h. w. k. tom, and a. p. mills, jr. monoenergetic positronium emission from metal-organic framework crystals, physical review letters, 2015, 114, 153201. [2] wen-juan jia, man-cheng hu, shu-ni li, yu-cheng jiang, quan-guo zhai*, ionic liquids introduced into supramolecular isomeric open-frameworks as photocatalyst for visible-light-driven degradation of organic dyes, crystengcomm, 2014, 16, 3474-3477. [3] xiao wang, quan-guo zhai*, shuni li, yucheng jiang, mancheng hu*, synthesis, crystal structures and solid state luminescent properties of diverse ln-pyridine-3,5-dicarboxylate coordination polymers modulated by the ancillary ligand, crystal growth & design, 2014, 14, 177−188. [4] xiao wang, quan-guo zhai*, xiang-yang hou, shu-ni li, yu-cheng jiang, man-cheng hu*, ligand configuration introduced into a 3d self-interpenetrated coordination polymer as visible-light-driven photocatalyst, inorganic chemistry communications, 2014, 45, 1-4. 2013 [1] quan-guo zhai*, rong-rong zeng, shu-ni li, yu-cheng jiang and man-cheng hu*, alkyl substituents introduced into novel d10-metalimidazole-4,5-dicarboxylate frameworks: synthesis, structure diversities and photoluminescence properties, crystengcomm, 2013, 15, 965-976. [2] wen-juan ji, quan-guo zhai*, shu-ni li, yu-cheng jiang, man-cheng hu*, an anionic metal–organic framework based on infinite [in3(μ3-oh)2]n inorganic chains synthesized in ionic liquid, inorganic chemistry communications, 2013, 28, 16-19. [3] quan-guo zhai*, yong-ni zhao, shu-ni li, yu-cheng jiang, man-cheng hu, assembly of cubr and 1,6-bi(benzotriazole)hexane under solvothermal conditions modulated by alkali metal cations, inorganic chemistry communications, 2013, 35, 31-33. [4] yan-ting feng, shu-ni li, quan-guo zhai*, yu-cheng jiang, man-cheng hu, a luminescent cu(i)-cn-1,2,4-triazolate open-framework with unique 2-fold interpenetrated (4, 6)-connected fsc topology, inorganic chemistry communications, 2013, 36, 150-154. [5] yong-ni zhao, cui-cui zhang, quan-guo zhai*, shu-ni li, yu-cheng jiang, man-cheng hu, solvent-introduced two novel copper(ii)–letrozolate compounds: solvothermal synthesis, crystal structures and photoluminescence property, inorganica chimica acta, 2013, 405, 176-181. [6] quan-guo zhai, shuang-qiu chen, shu-ni li, yu-cheng jiang, man-cheng hu, a luminescent rod-packing organic–inorganic hybrid framework based on copper(i) cyanide ribbon and 5-(4-pyridine)tetrazole ligand, journal of inorganic and organometallic polymers and materials, 2013, 23, 1195-1200. [7] yan-hua, zhang, shu-ni li*, man-cheng hu, yu-cheng jiang, quan-guo zhai*, synthesis, crystal structure, and blue photoluminescence of a 3d coordination polymer based on a ag10 cluster with the versatile 2-mercapto-5-benzimidazolesulfonic acid ligand, journal of coordination chemistry, 2013, 66(13), 2316-2324. [8] quan-guo zhai*, cheng-feng zhang, shu-ni li, yu-cheng jiang, man-cheng hu, synthesis, structure, and photoluminescence of a (4,6)-connected cu(i)–cn–triazolate framework built with a unique heptanuclear hybrid cluster, journal of coordination chemistry, 2013, 66(22), 4004-4014. 2012 [1] quan-guo zhai, qipu lin, tao wu, le wang, shou-tian zheng, xianhui bu, pingyun feng, high co2 and h2 uptake in an anionic porous framework with amino-decorated polyhedral cages, chemistry of materials, 2012, 24, 2624-2626. [2] quan-guo zhai, qipu lin, tao wu, shou-tian zheng, xianhui bu, pingyun feng, induction of trimeric [mg3(oh)(co2)6] in a porous framework by a desymmetrized tritopic ligand, dalton transactions, 2012, 41, 2866-2868. [3] fei bu, qipu lin, quan-guo zhai, le wang, tao wu, shoutian zheng, xianhui bu, pingyun feng, two zeolite‐type frameworks in one metal–organic framework with zn24@zn104 cube‐in‐sodalite architecture, angewandte chemie international edition, 2012, 51, 8538-8541. [4] rui ding, quan-guo zhai*, jing-ping niu, shu-ni li, yu-cheng jiang, man-cheng hu*, crystalline 3d open-framework halogeno(cyano)cuprates synthesized in ionic liquids, crystengcomm, 2012, 14, 2626-2629. [5] quan-guo zhai*, rui ding, shu-ni li, yu-cheng, jiang, man-cheng hu, a (3,9)-connected cadmium 1,2,4-triazolate framework based on a trinuclear inorganic cluster, journal of coordination chemistry, 2012, 65, 516–524. [6] wen-juan ji, quan-guo zhai*, shu-ni li, yu-cheng jiang, man-cheng hu*, the ionothermal synthesis of a 3d indium metal–organic framework: crystal structure, photoluminescence property and photocatalytic activity, inorganic chemistry communications, 2012, 24, 209–211. 2011 [1] wen-juan ji, quan-guo zhai*, shu-ni li, yu-cheng jiang, man-cheng hu*, the first ionothermal synthesis of a 3d ferroelectric metal–organic framework with colossal dielectric constant, chemical communications, 2011, 47, 3834–3836. [2] fei hu, quan-guo zhai*, shu-ni li, yu-cheng jiang, man-cheng hu*, ionothermal synthesis of a new (4,12)-connected heterometallic iodoplumbate with [pb4(oh)4] cubane as joint points of the helices, crystengcomm, 2011, 13, 414-417. [3] quan-guo zhai*, xia gao, shu-ni li, yu-cheng jiang, man-cheng hu*, solvothermal synthesis, crystal structures and photoluminescence properties of the novel cd/x/a,ω-bis(benzotriazole)-alkane hybrid family (x = cl, br and i), crystengcomm, 2011, 13, 1602-1611. [4] quan-guo zhai*, jing-ping niu, shu-ni li, yu-cheng jiang, man-cheng hu*, stuart r. batten, an unusual uninodal 10-connected self-penetrating network built from sixteen-nuclear hybrid cadmium clusters, crystengcomm, 2011, 13, 4508–4511. [5] rong-rong zeng, quan-guo zhai*, shu-ni li, yu-cheng jiang, man-cheng hu*, an unusual (3,6)-connected microporous metal–organic framework based on tetrahedral zn4 clusters with selective adsorption of co2, crystengcomm, 2011, 13, 4823–4826. [6] jing-ping niu, quan-guo zhai*, jun-hua luo, shu-ni li, yu-cheng jiang, man-cheng hu, ionothermal synthesis, structure and optical properties of three new organic–inorganic hybrid imidazolium bromoplumbate complexes, inorganic chemistry communications, 2011, 14, 663-666. [7] quan-guo zhai*, cui-cui zhang, shu-ni li, yu-cheng jiang, man-cheng hu*, synthesis, structure and characterizations of a novel 3d coordination polymer constructed from rare castellated inorganic chains, inorganic chemistry communications, 2011, 14, 1982-1985. [8] shu-ni li*, quan-guo zhai, man-cheng hu, yu-cheng jiang, synthesis and crystal structures of two novel complexes with n-[2-(5-bromo-2-hydroxybenzylideneamino)ethyl]-4-methylbenzene- sulfonamide as ligand, journal of chemical crystallography, 2011, 41, 12-16. 2010 [1] xia gao, quan-guo zhai, shu-ni li, rui xia, hai-juan xiang, yu-cheng jiang, man-cheng hu*, two anionic [cui6x7]nn- (x = br and i) chain-based organic-inorganic hybrid solids with n-substituted benzotriazole ligands, journal of solid state chemistry, 2010, 183, 1150-1158. [2] quan-guo zhai*, rui ding, shu-ni li, wen-juan ji, xia gao, yu-cheng jiang, man-cheng hu*, ligand-configuration-dependent hybrid supramolecular isomers based on the octamolybdate building blocks from one-pot hydrothermal crystallization, inorganica chimica acta, 2010, 363, 653-661. [3] quan-guo zhai*, shu-ni li, xia gao, wen-juan ji, yu-cheng jiang, man-cheng hu*, self-assembly of a novel 3d copper(i)–tetrazolate supramolecular framework via interpenetration of porous 2d double-layer motifs, inorganic chemistry communications, 2010, 13, 211-214. [4] quan-guo zhai*, shu-ni li, yu-cheng jiang, man-cheng hu*, a cd/triazolate/carboxylate metal–organic framework with unprecedented (3,10)-connected topology based on tetranuclear clusters, inorganic chemistry communications, 2010, 13, 891-894. [5] quan-guo zhai, shu-ni li, yu-cheng jiang, man-cheng hu*, a mixed-valence chair-like tetranuclear copper(i,ii) cluster with three linking modes of the 3,5-bis(2-pyridyl)-1,2,4-triazole ligand, acta crystallographica section c, 2010, c66, m249-m252. [6] gao xia, quan-guo zhai*, xue-jing dui, shu-ni li, yu-cheng jiang, man-cheng hu*, synthesis, crystal structure, and characterizations of a 3-d cu(i) complex with 1,6-bi(benzotriazole)hexane, journal of coordination chemistry, 2010, 63, 214-222. [7] shu-ni li*, quan-guo zhai, man-cheng hu*, yu-cheng jiang, two coordination polymers constructed from pillared m-o (m = na or ba2 ) subunits with 3-formyl-4-hydroxybenzene- sulfonic acid as ligand, zeitschrift fur anorganische und allgemeine chemie, 2010, 636, 1142-1146. 2009及以前 [1] man-cheng hu*, yan wang, quan-guo zhai*, shu-ni li, yu-cheng jiang, yong zhang, synthesis, crystal structures, and photoluminescent properties of the cu(i)/x/α,ω- bis(benzotriazole)alkane hybrid family (x = cl, br, i, and cn), inorganic chemistry, 2009, 48, 1449-1468. [2] shu-ni li*, quan-guo zhai, man-cheng hu, yu-cheng jiang, synthesis, crystal structures and characterization of two cu(ii) complexes with asymmetric sulfonamide schiff-base ligands, journal of coordination chemistry, 2009, 62, 2709-2718. [3] shu-ni li, quan-guo zhai, man-cheng hu*, yu-cheng jiang, synthesis, crystal structures and characterization of three novel complexes with n-[2-(2-hydroxybenzylideneamino)ethyl]-4-methyl- benzene-sulfonamide as ligand, inorganica chimica acta, 2009, 362, 2217-2221. [4] yan wang, man-cheng hu*, quan-guo zhai*, shu-ni li, yu-cheng jiang, wen-juan ji, synthesis, structure and luminescent properties of an organic–inorganic hybrid solid based on unprecedented flower-basket-shaped [cui4i4] clusters with 1,2-bis(benzotriazole)ethane ligands, inorganic chemistry communications, 2009, 12, 281-285. [5] quan-guo zhai*, man-cheng hu, yan wang, wen-juan ji, shu-ni li, yu-cheng jiang, synthesis and characterizations of a novel dia-type ag–bpt coordination polymer with tetranuclear motifs as jointing points (bpt = 3,5-bis(3-pyridyl)-1,2,4-triazole), inorganic chemistry communications, 2009, 12, 286-289. [6] quan-guo zhai*, jing-ping niu, man-cheng hu, yan wang, wen-juan, ji, shu-ni li, yu-cheng jiang, hydrothermal synthesis, crystal structures, and blue photoluminescence of two 2-d ag-1,2,4-triazolate coordination polymers with 4462 topology, journal of coordination chemistry, 2009, 62, 2927-2936. [7] quan-guo zhai, shu-ni li, man-cheng hu*, yu-cheng jiang, a three-dimensional hybrid framework based on novel [co4mo4] bimetallic oxide clusters with 3,5-bis(3-pyridyl)-1,2,4-triazole ligands, acta crystallographica section c, 2009, c65, m128-m130. [8] quan-guo zhai, man-cheng hu*, shu-ni li, yu-cheng jiang, synthesis, structure and blue luminescent properties of a new silver(i) triazolate coordination polymer with 8210-a topology, inorganica chimica acta, 2009, 362, 1355-1357. [9] can-zhong lu, quan-guo zhai, xiao-yuan wu, li-juan chen, shu-mei chen, zhen-guo zhao, xiao-yu jiang, construction of some organic-inorganic hybrid complexes based on polyoxometalates, design and construction of coordination polymers, mao-chun hong & ling chen, john wiley & sons inc. publication, pp 87-110, 2009. [10] quan-guo zhai, man-cheng hu*, shu-ni li, yu-cheng jiang, a three-dimensional organic–inorganic hybrid solid constructed from novel mo-o-zn bimetallic oxide networks linked via 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole, inorganic chemistry communications, 2008, 11, 1147-1150. [11] wen-juan ji, quan-guo zhai*, man-cheng hu*, shu-ni li, yu-cheng jiang, yan wang,ionothermal synthesis and characterization of a 3-d (4,8)-connected porous anionic metal–organic framework entrapped with 1-d [k2(h2o)6] chains, inorganic chemistry communications, 2008, 11, 1455–1458. [12] quan-guo zhai, xiao-yuan wu, shu-mei chen, zhen-guo, zhao, can-zhong lu, construction of ag/1,2,4-triazole/polyoxometalates hybrid family varying from diverse supramolecular assemblies to 3-d rod- packing framework, inorganic chemistry, 2007, 46 (12), 5046-5058. [13] quan-guo zhai, can-zhong lu, xiao-yuan wu, stuart r. batten, coligand modulated six-, eight-, and ten-connected zn/cd-1,2,4- triazolate frameworks based on mono-, bi-, tri-, penta-, and heptanuclear cluster units, crystal growth & design, 2007, 7(11), 2332-2342. [14] quan-guo zhai, xiao-yuan wu, shu-mei chen, li-juan chen, can-zhong lu, keggin polyoxometalates-supported assembly of 2d supramolecular isomers: synthesis, crystal structures and characteristics of two novel hybrid host-guest complexes, inorganica chimica acta, 2007, 360, 3484-3492. [15] quan-guo zhai, xiao-yuan wu, shu-mei chen, can-zhong lu, wen-bin yang, construction of cd/zn(ii)-1,2,4-triazolate coordination complexes via changing substituents and anions, crystal growth & design, 2006, 6(9), 2126-2135. [16] quan-guo zhai, can-zhong lu, shu-mei chen, xin-jiang xu, wen-bin yang, design of novel three-dimensional coordination polymers based on triangular trinuclear copper 1,2,4-triazolate units, crystal growth & design, 2006, 6(6), 1393-1398. [17] quan-guo zhai, can-zhong lu , quan-zheng zhang, xiao-yuan wu, xin-jang xu, shu-mei chen, li-juan chen, influence of substituents on the structures of hybrid complexes constructed from tetranuclear copper(i) 1,2,4-triazolate clusters and octamolybdates, inorganica chimica acta, 2006, 359, 3875-3887. [18] quan-guo zhai, can-zhong lu, shu-mei chen, xin-jiang xu, and wen-bin yang, a novel 3d hybrid architecture based on (h2o)6 encircling cu4i4-o-cu4i4 cluster and hexanuclear cu6(datrz)6 ring, inorganic chemistry communications, 2006, 9, 819-822. [19] chun-yu geng, man-cheng hu, shu-ni li, quan-guo zhai, yu-cheng jiang, zhi-hong liu, preparation, crystal structure and thermodynamic properties of cs(atz), chinese journal of organic chemistry, 2005, 63 (21): 1974-1978. [20] shu-mei chen, can-zhong lu, chang-kun xia, xin-jiang xu, quan-guo zhai, reactivity of 1,4-bis[2-(5-phenyloxazoly)]benzene toward cu salts under different reaction conditions, crystal growth & design, 2005, 5(4), 1485- 1490. [21] ya-qin yu, can-zhong lu, xin-jiang xu, jiu-hui liu, quan-guo zhai,three-dimensional porous framework formed by [fe4mo6o26]4− anions belts in brick-wall mode, inorganic chemistry communications, 2005, 8, 635-637. 二、申请专利 [1] 翟全国,王坤,李淑妮,胡满成,蒋育澄,一类双金属多孔配合物及其制备方法,中国发明专利,申请号:201710043435.8。 [2] 翟全国,张雅丽,丁瑞,李淑妮,胡满成,蒋育澄,亚铜聚阴离子和烷基咪唑阳离子的复合物及制备方法,中国发明专利,申请号:201710369888x。 [3] 翟全国,王坤,李淑妮,胡满成,蒋育澄,一类柱层多孔配合物及其制备方法,中国发明专利,申请号:201710043544.x。 [4] 翟全国,白晓颖,李淑妮,胡满成,蒋育澄,一类四氮唑多孔配合物的制备方法,中国发明专利,申请号:201710043486.0。 [5] 翟全国,冯燕婷,李淑妮,胡满成,蒋育澄,1,4-对苯二甲酸调控的多氮唑配位聚合物及其制备方法,中国发明专利,2014.7.23-2034.4.8,陕西,zl201410138152.8。 [6] 翟全国,赵永妮,李淑妮,胡满成,蒋育澄,具备小分子气体高存储能力的过渡金属多孔配合物材料及其制备方法,中国发明专利,2014.5.14-2034.1.13,陕西,zl201410014549.6。 [7] 翟全国,籍文娟,胡满成,李淑妮,蒋育澄,杂多钨酸阴离子和烷基咪唑阳离子的复合物及制备方法,中国发明专利,2013.9.11-2033.6.19,陕西,zl201310244604.6。 [8] 翟全国,张翠翠,李淑妮,胡满成,蒋育澄,呋喃-2,5-二羧酸金属配位聚合物及其制备方法,中国发明专利,2013.8.14-2033.4.27,陕西,zl201310153103.7。

freemarker template error (debug mode; use rethrow in production!): the following has evaluated to null or missing: ==> c.admheadship [in template "web-inf/t/cms/www/xatrm/techexpert/detail.html" at line 174, column 47] ---- tip: it's the step after the last dot that caused this error, not those before it. ---- tip: if the failing expression is known to be legally refer to something that's sometimes null or missing, either specify a default value like myoptionalvar!mydefault, or use [#if myoptionalvar??]when-present[#else]when-missing[/#if]. (these only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthesis: (myoptionalvar.foo)!mydefault, (myoptionalvar.foo)?? ---- ---- ftl stack trace ("~" means nesting-related): - failed at: ${c.admheadship} [in template "web-inf/t/cms/www/xatrm/techexpert/detail.html" at line 174, column 45] ---- java stack trace (for programmers): ---- freemarker.core.invalidreferenceexception: [... exception message was already printed; see it above ...] at freemarker.core.invalidreferenceexception.getinstance(invalidreferenceexception.java:134) at freemarker.core.evalutil.coercemodeltotextualcommon(evalutil.java:451) at freemarker.core.evalutil.coercemodeltostringormarkup(evalutil.java:374) at freemarker.core.dollarvariable.calculateinterpolatedstringormarkup(dollarvariable.java:96) at freemarker.core.dollarvariable.accept(dollarvariable.java:59) at freemarker.core.environment.visit(environment.java:362) at freemarker.core.iteratorblock$iterationcontext.executenestedcontent(iteratorblock.java:263) at freemarker.core.iteratorblock$iterationcontext.accept(iteratorblock.java:200) at freemarker.core.environment.visititeratorblock(environment.java:595) at freemarker.core.iteratorblock.acceptwithresult(iteratorblock.java:81) at freemarker.core.iteratorblock.accept(iteratorblock.java:67) at freemarker.core.environment.visit(environment.java:326) at freemarker.core.environment.visit(environment.java:332) at freemarker.core.environment.process(environment.java:305) at freemarker.template.template.process(template.java:384) at com.xatrm.common.web.springmvc.simplefreemarkerview.rendermergedtemplatemodel(simplefreemarkerview.java:114) at org.springframework.web.servlet.view.abstracttemplateview.rendermergedoutputmodel(abstracttemplateview.java:167) at org.springframework.web.servlet.view.abstractview.render(abstractview.java:303) at org.springframework.web.servlet.dispatcherservlet.render(dispatcherservlet.java:1257) at org.springframework.web.servlet.dispatcherservlet.processdispatchresult(dispatcherservlet.java:1037) at org.springframework.web.servlet.dispatcherservlet.dodispatch(dispatcherservlet.java:980) at org.springframework.web.servlet.dispatcherservlet.doservice(dispatcherservlet.java:897) at org.springframework.web.servlet.frameworkservlet.processrequest(frameworkservlet.java:970) at org.springframework.web.servlet.frameworkservlet.doget(frameworkservlet.java:861) at javax.servlet.http.httpservlet.service(httpservlet.java:622) at org.springframework.web.servlet.frameworkservlet.service(frameworkservlet.java:846) at javax.servlet.http.httpservlet.service(httpservlet.java:729) at org.apache.catalina.core.applicationfilterchain.internaldofilter(applicationfilterchain.java:230) at org.apache.catalina.core.applicationfilterchain.dofilter(applicationfilterchain.java:165) at org.apache.tomcat.websocket.server.wsfilter.dofilter(wsfilter.java:52) at org.apache.catalina.core.applicationfilterchain.internaldofilter(applicationfilterchain.java:192) at org.apache.catalina.core.applicationfilterchain.dofilter(applicationfilterchain.java:165) at org.jasig.cas.client.session.singlesignoutfilter.dofilter(singlesignoutfilter.java:76) at org.apache.catalina.core.applicationfilterchain.internaldofilter(applicationfilterchain.java:192) at org.apache.catalina.core.applicationfilterchain.dofilter(applicationfilterchain.java:165) at ci.filter.sqlinjectfilter.dofilter(sqlinjectfilter.java:157) at org.apache.catalina.core.applicationfilterchain.internaldofilter(applicationfilterchain.java:192) at org.apache.catalina.core.applicationfilterchain.dofilter(applicationfilterchain.java:165) at ci.filter.xssfilter.dofilter(xssfilter.java:96) at org.apache.catalina.core.applicationfilterchain.internaldofilter(applicationfilterchain.java:192) at org.apache.catalina.core.applicationfilterchain.dofilter(applicationfilterchain.java:165) at ci.filter.securityfilter.dofilter(securityfilter.java:25) at org.apache.catalina.core.applicationfilterchain.internaldofilter(applicationfilterchain.java:192) at org.apache.catalina.core.applicationfilterchain.dofilter(applicationfilterchain.java:165) at com.xatrm.common.web.xssfilter.dofilter(xssfilter.java:40) at org.apache.catalina.core.applicationfilterchain.internaldofilter(applicationfilterchain.java:192) at org.apache.catalina.core.applicationfilterchain.dofilter(applicationfilterchain.java:165) at org.apache.shiro.web.servlet.abstractshirofilter.executechain(abstractshirofilter.java:449) at org.apache.shiro.web.servlet.abstractshirofilter$1.call(abstractshirofilter.java:365) at org.apache.shiro.subject.support.subjectcallable.docall(subjectcallable.java:90) at org.apache.shiro.subject.support.subjectcallable.call(subjectcallable.java:83) at org.apache.shiro.subject.support.delegatingsubject.execute(delegatingsubject.java:383) at org.apache.shiro.web.servlet.abstractshirofilter.dofilterinternal(abstractshirofilter.java:362) at org.apache.shiro.web.servlet.onceperrequestfilter.dofilter(onceperrequestfilter.java:125) at org.springframework.web.filter.delegatingfilterproxy.invokedelegate(delegatingfilterproxy.java:346) at org.springframework.web.filter.delegatingfilterproxy.dofilter(delegatingfilterproxy.java:262) at org.apache.catalina.core.applicationfilterchain.internaldofilter(applicationfilterchain.java:192) at org.apache.catalina.core.applicationfilterchain.dofilter(applicationfilterchain.java:165) at org.springframework.orm.hibernate4.support.opensessioninviewfilter.dofilterinternal(opensessioninviewfilter.java:151) at org.springframework.web.filter.onceperrequestfilter.dofilter(onceperrequestfilter.java:107) at org.apache.catalina.core.applicationfilterchain.internaldofilter(applicationfilterchain.java:192) at org.apache.catalina.core.applicationfilterchain.dofilter(applicationfilterchain.java:165) at org.springframework.web.filter.characterencodingfilter.dofilterinternal(characterencodingfilter.java:197) at org.springframework.web.filter.onceperrequestfilter.dofilter(onceperrequestfilter.java:107) at org.apache.catalina.core.applicationfilterchain.internaldofilter(applicationfilterchain.java:192) at org.apache.catalina.core.applicationfilterchain.dofilter(applicationfilterchain.java:165) at com.xatrm.common.web.processtimefilter.dofilter(processtimefilter.java:35) at org.apache.catalina.core.applicationfilterchain.internaldofilter(applicationfilterchain.java:192) at org.apache.catalina.core.applicationfilterchain.dofilter(applicationfilterchain.java:165) at org.apache.catalina.core.standardwrappervalve.invoke(standardwrappervalve.java:198) at org.apache.catalina.core.standardcontextvalve.invoke(standardcontextvalve.java:108) at org.apache.catalina.authenticator.authenticatorbase.invoke(authenticatorbase.java:472) at org.apache.catalina.core.standardhostvalve.invoke(standardhostvalve.java:140) at org.apache.catalina.valves.errorreportvalve.invoke(errorreportvalve.java:79) at org.apache.catalina.valves.abstractaccesslogvalve.invoke(abstractaccesslogvalve.java:620) at org.apache.catalina.core.standardenginevalve.invoke(standardenginevalve.java:87) at org.apache.catalina.connector.coyoteadapter.service(coyoteadapter.java:349) at org.apache.coyote.http11.http11processor.service(http11processor.java:783) at org.apache.coyote.abstractprocessorlight.process(abstractprocessorlight.java:66) at org.apache.coyote.abstractprotocol$connectionhandler.process(abstractprotocol.java:789) at org.apache.tomcat.util.net.nioendpoint$socketprocessor.dorun(nioendpoint.java:1455) at org.apache.tomcat.util.net.socketprocessorbase.run(socketprocessorbase.java:49) at java.util.concurrent.threadpoolexecutor.runworker(threadpoolexecutor.java:1142) at java.util.concurrent.threadpoolexecutor$worker.run(threadpoolexecutor.java:617) at org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.taskthread$wrappingrunnable.run(taskthread.java:61) at java.lang.thread.run(thread.java:745)